Planning & Environmental Policy: Books & eBooks
Finding eBooks
Academic Complete - eBook Collection
- Academic Complete (Proquest Ebook Central) This link opens in a new window
An extensive multidisciplinary collection of online titles covering life, health, social and physical sciences, and humanities.
Books for Planning & Environmental Policy
During the current closure, the following collections are temporarily available by various publishers:
GeoScience World a comprehensive resource of eBooks for researchers in the Earth Sciences, open until the end of June 2020.
JoVE all STEM Education videos are available until 15 June.
JSTOR has made their complete archive collection available until 30 June.
Pidgeon Digital (Architecture and Planning) have made their database available until 30 June 2020
ProQuest eBook Central have provided UCD Library with unlimited access to all owned titles from over 100 publishers until 30 June. See the blog post from ProQuest for more details.
Sage Knowledge ebooks and reference material, the premier Social Sciences platform for SAGE, CQPress, Reference and video content are now available until 30 June.
ScienceDirect eTextbooks Elsevier has made over 250 textbooks available to mid-June. Full title list here.
World Scientific have made their complete archive available until 30 June. UCD has subscriptions to two titles, Climate Change Economics & Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management.
Cambridge University Press (CUP) has made over 700 Cambridge eTextbooks available until 31st May. They have also made the following available until the end of May 2020.
Books and eBooks are listed in OneSearch, our resource discovery service. Useful titles available via UCD Library include:
- Ebook Central (Proquest) This link opens in a new window
An extensive multidisciplinary collection of online resources covering life, health, social and physical sciences, and humanities. UCD Library purchases select ebooks to support teaching, learning and research.
Reference Books for Planning & Environmental Policy
Reference items are helpful for finding background information; definitions and spelling; facts and figures; translations; statistics and topical overviews of subjects. Reference books can be found both in print and online. See here for further information.
Useful online reference material for planning & Environmental Policy include:
- Introduction
- Books & eBooks
- Journal Articles & Databases
- Key Websites
- Environmental Policy/Studies
- Government & EU Information
- Newspapers
- Datasets & Statistics
- Citing Information & Avoiding Plagiarism
- Library Tips
Where in the Library?
Most print material related to Planning and environmental policy can be found in Richview Library.
Some planning and environmental policy material can also be found on Level 2 of the James Joyce Library.
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- Last Updated: Aug 27, 2024 11:30 AM
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