Lawyering Toolkit: Introduction
Welcome to the Lawyering Toolkit
This toolkit will support you in using legal resources during your study and open up a learning pathway from first principles to the workplace in Ireland.
Lawyering Skills Pathway
It is suitable for all students whether studying pure law or other disciplines and those who wish to see how Law operates within and impacts on Society. The toolkit is organised using a scaffolded approach where each section builds on information learned in the previous one. The focus is on providing information relevant to the Irish jurisdiction at the point of need and aims to address issues from novice to expert.
Offers support for those who are new to studying the subject of Law. |
Builds on the starter pack so you become more proficient at finding legal information. | Follows on from the Smarter skills pack covering advanced legal information literacy skills. |
Has a focus on what a graduate will need to enter the legal workplace. |
Provides information to help you excel in the workplace over your lifetime in Law. | Intended for those who do not have a qualification in Law but need to find legal information. |
This guide has been created by Susan Boyle, Virginia Conrick, Ann O'Sullivan and Pattie Punch as a collaborative initiative through the British and Irish Association of Law Librarians (BIALL) Irish Group.