Standards and Patents: Patents
Patent Information
A patent confers upon its holder, for a limited period, the right to exclude others from exploiting (making, using, selling, importing) the patented invention, except with the consent of the owner of the patent. A patent is a form of 'industrial property', which can be assigned, transferred, licensed or used by the owner. Patents are territorial; in effect e.g. a patent granted in Ireland is only valid in Ireland.
Novel: To be patentable an invention is considered new if it does not form part of the state of the art. The state of the art comprises everything made available to the public in any way, anywhere in the world, before the date of filing of the patent application.
Inventive step: An invention is considered as involving an inventive step if it is not obvious to a person skilled in that area of technology, having regard to the state of the art.
Industrial applicable: The invention must be capable of being made or used in some kind of industry, including agriculture.
Good For:
Finding out if your invention is truly novel
Preparation of your own application
Market information
Competitor and technology tracking
Text Searching: Identify keywords, use alternate terminology, Boolean Operators, Wildcards, Phrase Searching e.g. "lithium battery" (all these can link to other guides/webpages).
Classification Searching: Searching by assigned classification numbers and subclass numbers.
Combinatory Searching: Using a combination of text (keywords) and classification numbers.
Discipline Specific Searching: Chemical structures, substances etc
Patent Offices, Websites and Databases
Patents and Intellectual Property Presentations
Useful Patent Books
Introduction to Patents Information by Stephen Van Dulken (Editor); Stephen van Dulken (Editor)
ISBN: 0712308385Publication Date: 1998-01-01Nolo's Patents for Beginners by Richard Stim; David Pressman
ISBN: 9781413310245Publication Date: 2009-06-15- Patent Information Use Benchmarks by Primary Research StaffISBN: 9781574403336Publication Date: 2015-01-01
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