Health & Wellbeing Collection: Mental Health
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Mental Health Categories
A Cure for Darkness: The story of depression and how we treat it by
Call Number: 616.85270092 RILPublication Date: 2022What is depression? Is it a persistent low mood or a complex range of symptoms? Is it a single diagnosis or a range of mental disorders requiring different treatments? And is there a way of curing such a complex, and diverse, condition? A sufferer of depression himself, science writer Alex Riley has spent years thinking about these issues as he was prescribed antidepressants and underwent cognitive behavioural therapy.Getting over OCD by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2018Thoroughly updated based on the latest science, this empowering workbook gives you the skills to overcome obsessional thoughts and compulsive behaviors--and live a freer, happier life. Leading OCD specialist Dr. Jonathan Abramowitz presents a step-by-step program grounded in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), the most effective treatment for the disorder.How to Be Your Own Therapist by
Call Number: 155.9042 OKAPublication Date: 2022Let Owen O'Kane, psychotherapist, former NHS Clinical Lead and Sunday Times bestselling author of TEN TO ZEN, show you how anyone can use simple, understandable techniques to unlock better mental health. Modern life is a minefield for stress. Whether it's juggling work, relationships or money, we often struggle to make time for ourselves and can find ourselves stuck in a rut with bad habits or worries. In HOW TO BE YOUR OWN THERAPIST, Owen O'Kane reveals how smart, short techniques throughout the day can form healthier perspectives and let you ditch harmful thought patterns.Born to Be Mild by
Call Number: 158.1092 TEMPublication Date: 2021A handful of years ago, I moved with my wife to a house on a quiet street in a quiet town and lay quietly in a room for a long time. I used to love an adventure, but when I hit my thirties I started to become afraid of the world, until I was too frightened to even go outside at all . . . it was just me, my phone and my social media feeds. Doesn't sound too healthy, does it? It wasn't.Anxiety and Panic by
Call Number: 616.85220651 BARPublication Date: 2019A practical guide to understanding, managing and overcoming anxiety and panic attacks by bestselling author and GP Harry Barry. Do you or does someone you love suffer from general anxiety, social anxiety, panic attacks, a phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder? Or are you a health-care worker treating people with these disorders? Then this book is for you.Don't worry, be happy: a guide to overcoming anxiety by
Call Number: 616.85220651 ONEPublication Date: 2018Does your child appear to worry a lot? Perhaps they have frequent tummy upsets, or are irritable, tearful, angry or withdrawn? Do they have problems concentrating or show a loss of enthusiasm for their usual interests? These could all be signs that your child is struggling with anxiety. This practical guide combines proven cognitive-behavioural therapy methods used by child psychologists in schools with simple activities to help your child to overcome anxiety. IThe 10 Best-Ever Anxiety Management Techniques Workbook by
Call Number: 52.46 WEHPublication Date: 2018Brimming with exercises, worksheets, tips, and tools, this complete how-to workbook companion expands on the top 10 anxiety-busting techniques Margaret Wehrenberg presents in the earlier edition of this book, showing readers exactly how to put them into action.From panic disorders, generalized anxiety, and social anxiety, to overall worry and stress, manifestations of anxiety are among the most common--and often debilitating--mental health complaints.When panic attacks: how to take control of anxiety and panic by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2018Hundreds of thousands of people in Ireland suffer from panic attacks and anxiety, but many struggle to access any meaningful help for these conditions. Prompted by years of working with patients suffering from panic attacks and struck by just how common and debilitating they were, medical doctor and psychotherapist Dr Aine Tubridy first published When Panic Attacks in 2003. Grounded in years of clinical experience and research, it has been a bestseller ever since - because her methods work.The ABCS of Coping with Anxiety by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2017In The ABCS of Coping with Anxiety: Using CBT to Manage Stress and Anxiety, James Cowart offers a concise collection of tried-and-tested strategies from cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and makes them accessible to people who are learning to cope with their anxiety on a day-to-day basis. Anxiety is a normal part of our human nature. For spurring you to make decisions or perform, it can actually be helpful. However, an unchecked pattern of intrusive negative thoughts can escalate the severity and persistence of the level of anxiety experienced over time.The Mindfulness and Acceptance Workbook for Depression by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2017What if depression could lead to positive change? Written by acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) cofounder Kirk Strosahl and Patricia Robinson, this revised edition of the best-selling classic, includes updated research on self-compassion, mindfulness, and neuroscience to help you live a more meaningful life. This new edition will include skills based on new research and contributions from mindfulness, self-compassion, and neuroscience.The Upward Spiral by
Call Number: EBOOKISBN: 9781626251212Publication Date: 2015In The Upward Spiral, neuroscientist Alex Korb demystifies the intricate brain processes that cause depression and offers a practical and effective approach to getting better. Based on the latest research in neuroscience, this book provides straightforward tips you can do every day to rewire your brain and create an upward spiral towards a happier, healthier life. The truth is that there isn't one big solution to depression, but there are numerous simple steps you can take to alter brain activity and chemistry.Ordinarily Well by
Call Number: 616.8527 KRAPublication Date: 2016Do antidepressants work, or are they glorified dummy pills? How can we tell? In Ordinarily Well, the celebrated psychiatrist and author Peter D. Kramer examines the growing controversy about the popular medications. A practicing doctor who trained as a psychotherapist and worked with pioneers in psychopharmacology, Kramer combines moving accounts of his patients' dilemmas with an eye-opening history of drug research to cast antidepressants in a new light.
Happy ever after: escaping the myth of the perfect life by
Call Number: 158 DOLPublication Date: 2019Get a good education, be successful, get married, have kids and look after your health. This is what we're told will make us happy. But what if these stories are doing more harm than good? In Happy Ever After, bestselling happiness expert Professor Paul Dolan draws on groundbreaking research and data to bust the common myths about happiness and show that the path to fulfilment is actually far more unexpected than we thought. With straight-talking wisdom, he invites us to reappraise our values, free our minds from the 'narrative traps' of conventional wisdom and write our own version of the good life, based on maximising positive, meaningful experiences that can generate new social benefits - not least greater tolerance for different ways of life. Happiness isn't what you're told. It's what you do.Everything Is Washable and Other Life Lessons by
Call Number: 646.7 HUGPublication Date: 2022This smart guide will help you navigate modern life, enabling you to save money and time. Sali Hughes offers striking good sense on: home; food and drink, fashion; health and beauty; life and finances; friends, relationships and family. From useful, everyday tips such as how to cut your own fringe and how to buy great second-hand clothing, to the less talked about, agonising questions like how to split finances with your partner and how to grieve, Guardian beauty editor Sali Hughes has advice on the big and the small, and everything in between.How to Be Confident by
Call Number: 158.1 SMIPublication Date: 2022Now, more than ever, we are so often lost within a cycle of negativity - from comparing ourselves to others and doom scrolling on social media, to a paralysis of choice and chasing external gratification that does nothing to nurture authentic happiness. We need confidence to master our true ambitions, realise our genuine strengths, and achieve the life we need, but might not know we want. Luckily, with his candid, no-nonsense advice, experience, and passion, James is here to lead the way.The Science of Happiness: The Six Principles of a Happy Life and the Seven Strategies for Achieving It by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2021The science of happiness is a new and flourishing area of scientific research that provides us with a clear understanding of what actually makes us happy. In this timely book, leading psychiatrist Professor Brendan Kelly examines the most up-to-date findings to arrive at a comprehensive set of principles and strategies that are scientifically proven to increase happiness levels. Combining research evidence with scientific, psychological and even spiritual advice, it will enable us to chart a happier path through our complex world.Why We Are Restless by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2021A compelling exploration of how our pursuit of happiness makes us unhappy We live in an age of unprecedented prosperity, yet everywhere we see signs that our pursuit of happiness has proven fruitless. Dissatisfied, we seek change for the sake of change--even if it means undermining the foundations of our common life. In Why We Are Restless, Benjamin and Jenna Storey offer a profound and beautiful reflection on the roots of this malaise and examine how we might begin to cure ourselves.The Midnight Library by
Call Number: 823.92 HAIPublication Date: 2021Nora's life has been going from bad to worse. Then at the stroke of midnight on her last day on earth she finds herself transported to a library. There she is given the chance to undo her regrets and try out each of the other lives she might have lived. Which raises the ultimate question: with infinite choices, what is the best way to live?Happy Singlehood by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2019Happy Singlehood charts a way forward for singles to live life on their terms, and shows how everyone--single or coupled--can benefit from accepting solo living. Based on personal interviews, quantitative analysis, and extensive review of singles' writings and literature, author Elyakim Kislev uncovers groundbreaking insights on how unmarried people create satisfying lives in a world where social structures and policies are still designed to favor marriage.Happy Brain by
Call Number: 612.82 BURPublication Date: 2019The pursuit of happiness is one of the most enduring quests of human life. But where does happiness come from, why do we need it, and what does it have to do with the brain? Dean Burnett combines cutting-edge theories of the science of emotions with interviews and contributions from relationship experts, psychology professors, comedy writers and celebrities. Witty and perceptive, humorous and enlightening, Happy Brain explores a fascinating aspect of modern neuroscience, and in the process discovers something about what it means to be human.The Origins of Happiness by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2018What makes people happy? Why should governments care about people's well-being? How would policy change if well-being were the main objective? The Origins of Happiness seeks to revolutionize how we think about human priorities and to promote public policy changes that are based on what really matters to people. Drawing on a uniquely comprehensive range of evidence from longitudinal data on over one hundred thousand individuals in Britain, the United States, Australia, and Germany, the authors consider the key factors that affect human well-being.The Artist's Way by
Call Number: 153.35 CAMPublication Date: 2016The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron provides a twelve-week course that guides you through the process of recovering your creative self. It aims to dispel the 'I'm not talented enough' conditioning that holds many people back and helps you to unleash your own inner artist. Its step-by-step approach enables you to transform your life, overcome any artistic blocks you may suffer from, including limiting beliefs, fear, sabotage, jealousy and guilt, and replace them with self confidence and productivity.The Creative Journal by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2015Using more than fifty prompts and vibrantly illustrated examples, Capacchione guides readers through drawing and writing exercises to release feelings, explore dreams, and solve problems creatively. Topics include emotional expression, healing the past, exploring relationships, self-inventory, health, life goals, and more. The Creative Journal introduced the world to Capacchione's groundbreaking technique of writing with the nondominant hand for brain balancing, finding innate wisdom, and developing creative potential.
The Act of Living: What the Great Psychologists Can Teach Us About Surviving Discontent in an Age of Anxiety by
Call Number: 150.19 TALPublication Date: 2022For over a hundred years, psychotherapists have been developing and refining models of the human mind. They have endeavoured to alleviate distress and they have offered help to people who want to make better life choices. Although the clinical provenance of psychotherapy is important, the legacy of psychotherapy has much wider relevance. It can offer original perspectives on the big questions usually entrusted to philosophers and representative of faith: Who am I? Why am I here? How should I live? In this compelling and important book, the principle contributions of the outstanding figures associated with the practice of psychotherapy are explained: from Freud to Ellis, Jung to Laing, Adler to Hayes. Viewed as a single, cohesive intellectual tradition, Frank Tallis argues that psychotherapeutic thinking is an immensely valuable and under exploited resource.Listen: how to find the words for tender conversations by
Call Number: 153.6 MANPublication Date: 2022Why do we so often come away from those times feeling like we could have done more, or should have been braver in the face of discomfort? Why do we skirt the conversations that might matter most? By bringing together stories with a lifetime's experience working in medicine and the newest psychology, Mannix offers lessons for how we can better speak our mind and help when others need to.Ionbhá: the empathy book for Ireland by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2022Ionbhá or empathy is a core element of wisdom and a universal language of the soul. It brings joy to the everyday, making the unbearable bearable. “We need empathy in schools just as we need empathy in the world right now” - Cillian Murphy, Actor and Patron of the UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre. The wide range of contributions to the publication Ionbhá act like a compass, guiding us on things that really matter in life. Reflections on empathy illuminate its healing properties, vividly opening our eyes to the countless ways in which its power can shape us all. This collection shows that no matter how big or small, empathetic actions have a massive impact. Although we rarely appreciate how these actions affect people and their communities, they often reverberate long after we act.Emotional Intelligence for Dummies by
Call Number: 152.4 STEPublication Date: 2023Get smart about your feelings to achieve success and happiness. Emotional intelligence (also known as emotional quotient or EQ) is all about perceiving, using, understanding, managing, and handling your emotions and those of others. Learn to manage your emotions, uncover the power of empathy, and build meaningful relationships. Anyone who wants to get a grip on their emotions and seek success in life will benefit from this fun and practical guide.Understanding Your 7 Emotions: CBT for Everyday Emotions and Common Mental Health Problems by
Call Number: 616.891425 HOWPublication Date: 2021This book provides a detailed understanding of the main human emotions – fear, sadness, anger, disgust, guilt, shame and happiness – showing how to live with them and how to resolve problems with them. Grounded in emotion science and cognitive behavioural therapy, this easy-to-read guide will help anybody who is interested in emotions or is struggling with common mental health problems to better understand how emotions work and improve their own and others' mental health and emotional wellbeing.The Gift of Fear by
Call Number: 362.88 DEBPublication Date: 2021A carjacker lurking in a shopping mall parking lot. An abusive husband pounding on the door. A disgruntled employee brandishing a gun. These days, no one is safe from the specter of violence. But according to Gavin de Becker, everyone can feel safer, act safer, be safer -- if they learn how to listen to their own sixth sense about danger. De Becker has made a career of protecting people and predicting violent behavior.Burnout: solve your stress cycle by
Call Number: 155.9042 NAGPublication Date: 2020This groundbreaking book explains why women experience burnout differently than men - and provides a simple, science-based plan to help women minimize stress, manage emotions and live a more joyful life. The gap between what it's really like to be a woman and what people expect women to be is a primary cause of burnout, because we exhaust ourselves trying to close the space between the two.The Gifts of Imperfection by
Call Number: 158.1 BROPublication Date: 2020For over a decade, Brene Brown has found a special place in our hearts as a gifted mapmaker and a fellow traveller. She is both a social scientist and a kitchen-table friend whom you can always count on to tell the truth, make you laugh and, on occasion, cry with you. And what's now become a movement all started with The Gifts of Imperfection, which has sold more than two million copies in thirty-five different languages across the globe.Therapy and Counseling by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2019This book provides teens with an accessible introduction to counseling, psychotherapy, and other related services. The information, guidance, and resources it offers make it a valuable tool for young adult readers seeking professional assistance with their mental health concerns. Seeing a therapist or counselor can dramatically improve the lives of individuals struggling with anxiety, depression, and many other psychological disorders, yet many young people are too afraid or embarrassed to seek the help of a trained mental health professional.Reinventing Your Life: the breakthrough program to end negative behavior and feel great by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2019Do you . . . Put the needs of others above your own? Start to panic when someone you love leaves - or threatens to? Often feel anxious about natural disasters, losing all your money, or getting seriously ill? Find that no matter how successful you are, you still feel unhappy, unfulfilled, or undeserving? Unsatisfactory relationships, irrational lack of self-esteem, feelings of being unfulfilled - these are all problems that can be solved by changing the types of messages that people internalise.The Stress Handbook by
Call Number: 155.9042 LANISBN: 9781786050489Publication Date: 2018Modern life is stressful and making stress work for you is one of the most important life skills of today's world. The author will show you ow to: identify your stress triggers, modify your stress reaction, control common thinking errors, approach self-care with compassion and understanding and improve your performance and quality of life no matter what pressures you encounter.How to Control Your Anger Before It Controls You by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2016Anger is universal. Unchecked, it can cause lasting damage in our lives: wrecked relationships, lost jobs, even serious disease. Yet in these increasingly stressful times, all of us have acted in anger - and often wished we hadn't. Is there a way that really works to solve problems and assert ourselves without being angry? The answer is a resounding yes, if you follow the breakthrough steps of Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT).Challenging the Enemy Within by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2016Many people grapple with destructive thought processes or a "critical inner voice" that directs their behavior and, to varying degrees, limits their lives. Using deeply personal and very human stories based on his own clinical practice, noted psychologist Robert W. Firestone illustrates the struggles of his clients to give words to this "enemy within," and in the process overcome its damaging influence. These revealing and captivating stories offer glimpses into the uniquely human relationship that develops in the therapeutic encounter and demonstrate the powerful impact that the experience has on both client and therapist.
The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober by
Call Number: 362.292092 GRAPublication Date: 2018This inspirational, aspirational and highly relatable narrative champions the benefits of sobriety; combining the author's personal experience, factual reportage, contributions from experts and self-help advice. This book goes beyond the binges and blackouts to deep-dive into uncharted territory: What happens after you quit drinking? This gripping, heart-breaking and witty book takes us down the rabbit-hole of an alternative reality. A life with zero hangovers, through sober weddings, sex, Christmases and breakups.Breaking Addiction by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2011The follow-up to his groundbreaking volume The Heart of Addiction, Dr. Lance Dodes's Breaking Addiction is a step-by-step guide to beating addiction of any kind--from drugs and gambling to alcoholism, overeating, and sex addiction. By recognizing and understanding the emotional forces underlying addictive behaviors, Dr. Dodes says any dangerous, life-destroying obsession can be overcome. Including special bonus sections for both families and health-care professionals, Breaking Addiction is the new handbook for those suffering from addiction--a valuable resource that addresses addiction's root causes and serves as an alternative to Alcoholics Anonymous and similar recovery programs.Unwired by
Call Number: 616.8584 BERPublication Date: 2023Our society has a technology problem. Many want to disconnect from screens but can't help themselves. These days we spend more time online than ever. Some turn to self-help-measures to limit their usage, yet repeatedly fail, while parents feel particularly powerless to help their children. Unwired: Gaining Control over Addictive Technologies shows us a way out. Rather than blaming users, the book shatters the illusion that we autonomously choose how to spend our time online.Sex Addiction 101 by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2015The number of affordable, easy links to pleasurable sexual online content is on the rise. Activity increases with the accessibility of technology. So, too, has sex addiction. People struggling with sex, porn, and love addiction typically have little understanding of this incredibly complicated disease. The book also provides sex addicts with strategies to protect themselves from the online sexual onslaught. Sex Addiction 101 is intended to enlighten the clinical population as well as actual sex addicts and their loved ones.Rewired by
Call Number: 616.8584 MARPublication Date: 2022Living in an age of digital distraction has wreaked havoc on our brains. Carl D. Marci, MD, a leading expert on social and consumer neuroscience, reviews the mounting evidence that overuse of smart phones and social media is rewiring our brains. The habits that accompany our digital lifestyles are putting tremendous pressure on critical components of the brain associated with attention, emotion, and memory, changing how we process information and altering how we communicate and relate, even at a physiological level. Rewired provides scientifically supported solutions for everyone who wants to restore their tech-life balance.Might bite: the secret life of a gambling addict by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2022This is the shocking story of a life secretly shattered by pathological gambling addiction, and the first steps to putting the pieces back together. For more than 12 years, Patrick Foster lived a double life. Turning 31, a popular and sociable young teacher and former professional cricketer, he had a lovely girlfriend and a supportive family. But he was hiding a secret and debilitating gambling addiction from even those closest to him. Huge bets had led to huge debts, thousands of lies and mental health issues that pushed him to the edge of the platform at Slough station, where he was moments from taking his own life in March 2018. That month he had turned a £30 bet into £28,000, then lost £58,000 on a single horse, Might Bite, in the Cheltenham Gold Cup, watching the race in a silent classroom as his students undertook a mock exam in front of him.The accidental soberista: discover the unexpected bliss of an alcohol-free life by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2021Kate Gunn was a social drinker, usually having a few drinks about three nights a week. But she had an inkling that alcohol was holding her back from getting on top of her life, and the hangovers were getting worse. So when Kate's partner had to take a break from alcohol for a month, she decided to dip her toe in the water in solidarity with him and try being a non-drinker too. Not long into her transformational journey, Kate discovered that breaking free from alcohol improved every single aspect of her life: from relationships to health to work to happiness.Digital Minimalism: Choosing a focused life in a noisy world by
Call Number: 303.4833 NEWPublication Date: 2019The urge to pick up our phones every few minutes has become a nervous twitch that shatters our time into shards too small to be present. Our addiction to tech leaves us feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. But it doesn't have to be that way. In this timely book, professor Cal Newport shows us how to pair back digital distractions and live better with less technology.Off: Your Digital Detox for a Better Life by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2018Walk down any street, stroll through any park, step into a bar or restaurant, and everyone is glued to their mobile devices. Many of us struggle with the near-constant urge to check our phones--the average person interacts with their device more than 2,600 times a day--and this dependence is affecting our relationships, our work, and our quality of life. It seems the technology that was supposed to connect us has tipped us in the other direction, creating unnecessary stress and distance in our lives.Addiction and Change by
Call Number: 616.86 DICPublication Date: 2018-01-18Not everyone who experiments with substance use or risky behavior becomes addicted, and many who are addicted have been able to recover. This authoritative book, now revised and updated, has given tens of thousands of professionals and students a state-of-the-art framework for understanding the journey both into and out of addiction.In the realm of hungry ghosts: close encounters with addiction by
Call Number: 616.8900971133 MATPublication Date: 2018In this award-winning modern classic, Gabor Maté takes a holistic and compassionate approach to addiction, whether to alcohol, drugs, sex, money or anything self-destructive. He presents it not as a discrete phenomenon confined to a weak-willed few, but as a continuum that runs through (and even underpins) our society; not as a medical 'condition', but rather the result of a complex interplay of personal history, emotional development and brain chemistry.Can't Just Stop by
Call Number: 616.85227 BEGPublication Date: 2018Using in-depth case studies to explore how we grapple with compulsion in ourselves and those we love, Can't Just Stop examines the science behind both mild and extreme compulsive behavior--"a fascinating read about human behavior and how it can go haywire" (The Charlotte Observer). Whether shopping with military precision or hanging the tea towels just so, compulsion is something most of us have witnessed in daily life. But compulsions exist along a broad continuum and, at the opposite end of these mild forms, exist life-altering disorders.The Craving Mind by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2017We are all vulnerable to addiction. Whether it's a compulsion to constantly check social media, binge eating, smoking, excessive drinking, or any other behaviors, we may find ourselves uncontrollably repeating. Why are bad habits so hard to overcome? Is there a key to conquering the cravings we know are unhealthy for us?Ending Addiction for Good by
Call Number: 362.29 TAIPublication Date: 2012Drawing on their own histories of addiction recovery, authors Taite and Scharff examine the unique and highly successful treatment protocol practiced at the Cliffside Malibu Addiction Treatment Center.
Life Hurts by
Call Number: 616.85262 MCNPublication Date: 2017'She's not going anywhere. Her heart is struggling. She's not stable enough to move' Lizzie couldn't believe it. She had just gone to the hospital for a quick check-up and now they told her she could die. The doctors had diagnosed Anorexia and that she must regain weight. Her life closed in around her, but all she wanted was to avoid food. Anyone who lives with an eating disorder fights their own thoughts, their own anxieties, their own self, every second of every minute of every day. For Lizzie this was her reality from the age of 14. However through professional help, the support of her loving family and her faith, she somehow found the hope and strength to overcome.Overcoming Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating 3rd Edition by
Call Number: 616.8526 COOPublication Date: 2021One in twenty women in the Western world experiences bouts of uncontrolled binge-eating and many of these are suffering from the eating disorder bulimia nervosa. Stringent dieting and making yourself vomit after overeating are common features of bulimia nervosa, as are depression, anxiety and feelings of worthlessness. This illness causes great distress to sufferers and those who care about them, but in recent years there have been real advances in treatment.The Binge Eating Prevention Workbook by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2020An innovative and customizable 8-week plan to help you take control of your eating habits--once and for all. Do you feel like your eating gets out of control? When it comes to food, does it feel like your life is controlled by cycles of deprivation and bingeing? Whether or not you've been formally diagnosed with a binge-eating disorder, you know that something needs to change. But like many disorders, what helps one person may not help another.A to Z of Eating Disorders by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2017Are you worried about your food intake? Do you weigh yourself most days and feel guilty if you gain half a pound? Do strict rules dominate your mealtimes and life, just so you can feel more in control? The A to Z of Eating Disorders is a road map for anyone who wants a way out of the bewildering world of disordered eating and body-image anxiety. From anorexia, bingeing and clean eating, to social media, yo-yo dieting and size zero, this book explores these complex conditions from a range of angles, offering valuable insights and hope.The Food Addiction Recovery Workbook by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2017Isn't it time you got off the diet treadmill? In The Food Addiction Recovery Workbook, physician Carolyn Coker Ross offers the proven-effective Anchor Program(tm) to help you curb cravings, end body dissatisfaction, manage stress and emotions without food, and truly satisfy your soul. When it comes to addiction, abstinence isn't always the answer--and with food addiction, this is especially true.Help Your Teenager Beat an Eating Disorder by
Call Number: 616.85262 LOCPublication Date: 2015Tens of thousands of parents have turned to this compassionate guide for support and practical advice grounded in cutting-edge scientific knowledge. Top experts James Lock and Daniel Le Grange explain what you need to know about eating disorders, which treatments work, and why it is absolutely essential to play an active role in your teen's recovery--even though parents have often been told to take a back seat. Learn how to monitor your teen's eating and exercise, manage mealtimes, end weight-related power struggles, and partner successfully with health care providers. When families work together to get the most out of treatment and prevent relapse, eating disorders can be beat.Goodbye Ed, Hello Me: Recover from Your Eating Disorder and Fall in Love with Life by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2009Don't Battle an Eating Disorder Forever-Recover from It Completely Jenni Schaefer and Ed (eating disorder) are no longer on speaking terms, not even in her most difficult moments. In her bestseller, Life Without Ed, Jenni learned to treat her eating disorder as a relationship, not a condition-enabling her to break up with Ed once and for all. In Goodbye Ed, Hello Me Jenni shows you that being fully recovered is not just about breaking free from destructive behaviors with food and having a healthy relationship with your body; it also means finding joy and peace in your life.Getting Better Bit(e) by Bit(e) by
Call Number: 616.8526 SCHPublication Date: 2005Easy to read and illustrated with many real-life examples, this book addresses the specific problems faced on a daily basis by bulimia sufferers. The only self-help programme that has been evaluated in a randomised controlled trial, it provides detailed step-by-step advice for dealing with this condition. Unlike other less problem-oriented books currently available on the subject, this book concentrates on the key behaviour changes necessary for the sufferer to achieve a happier and more fulfilled life.Life Without Ed by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2004Jenni had been in an abusive relationship with Ed for far too long. He controlled Jenni's life, distorted her self-image, and tried to physically harm her throughout their long affair. Then, in therapy, Jenni learned to treat her eating disorder as a relationship, not a condition. By thinking of her eating disorder as a unique personality separate from her own, Jenni was able to break up with Ed once and for all.Losing Your Pounds Of Pain : Breaking the Link Between Abuse, Stress and Overeating by
Call Number: 616.8526 VIRPublication Date: 2002As a result of many years of therapeutic work with hundreds of clients, Dr. Virtue came to understand how various degrees of psychological and physical abuse caused her clients to turn to food for comfort, security, and even self-punishment. Although many were convinced that once they lost their excess weight, their pain would cease to exist, just the opposite was actually true: First they had to lose their pain, then their weight would normalise.Overcoming Your Eating Disorder by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2008Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has been proven effective for treating Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder. However, this type of program requires at least 6 months of weekly sessions with a qualified mental health professional. If you suffer from an eating disorder and want to gettreatment, but have little time to devote to therapy, a shorter, time-limited program may be right for you.This workbook outlines a Guided Self-Help (GSH) program based on the principles of CBT.
The myth of normal : trauma, illness & healing in a toxic culture by
Call Number: 362.1 MATPublication Date: 2022Over four decades of clinical experience, renowned physician and addiction expert Dr Gabor Maté has seen how health systems neglect the role that trauma exerts on our bodies and our minds. Medicine often fails to treat the whole person, ignoring how today's culture stresses our bodies, burdens our immune systems and undermines emotional balance.Healing from Trauma by
Call Number: 616.8521 CORPublication Date: 2020Psychotherapist and trauma survivor Jasmin Lee Cori offers new insight into trauma-related difficulties (including PTSD, depression, substance abuse), provides self-care tools, candour about therapy and medications, and addresses spiritual issues - with exercises, healing stories, points to remember, and resources, this is a perfect companion for anyone seeking to reclaim their life from the devastating impacts of trauma.Emotional Healing by
Call Number: 152.4 BARPublication Date: 2020When we experience trauma, loss or grief the pain can feel as if it will last forever. We begin to wonder if our old selves - the ones who felt hope and happiness and joy - are lost to us. And our emotions can lead us into damaging behaviours that compound our problems. Dr Harry Barry acknowledges there is no magic wand that will take our pain away completely, but he uses his clinical experience, combined with cognitive behavioural therapy, to show that emotional healing is always possible.Children of the Self-Absorbed by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2020Do you have a self-absorbed or narcissistic parent who's made you feel rejected, unloved, or unworthy? Being a parent is usually all about giving of yourself to foster your child's growth and development. But what happens when this isn't the case? Some parents dismiss the needs of their children, asserting their own instead, demanding attention and reassurance from even very young children. This may especially be the case when a parent has narcissistic tendencies or narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness by
Call Number: 616.8522 TREPublication Date: 2018From elementary schools to psychotherapy offices, mindfulness meditation is an increasingly mainstream practice. At the same time, trauma remains a fact of life: the majority of us will experience a traumatic event in our lifetime and up to 20% of us will develop posttraumatic stress. This means that anywhere mindfulness is being practised, someone in the room is likely to be struggling with trauma. At first glance, this appears to be a good thing: trauma creates stress and mindfulness is a proven tool for reducing it.My Grandmother's Hands by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2017In this groundbreaking book, therapist Resmaa Menakem examines the damage caused by racism in America from the perspective of trauma and body-centered psychology. The body is where our instincts reside and where we fight, flee, or freeze, and it endures the trauma inflicted by the ills that plague society. Menakem argues this destruction will continue until Americans learn to heal the generational anguish of white supremacy, which is deeply embedded in all our bodies.The PTSD Workbook, 3rd Edition by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2016In the third edition of The PTSD Workbook, psychologists and trauma experts Mary Beth Williams and Soili Poijula offer readers the most effective tools available for overcoming post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD is an extremely debilitating condition that can occur after exposure to a terrifying event.Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: recovery after accident and disaster by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2015A traumatic event can turn your world upside down - but there is a way out. Once thought to be a rare condition, PTSD is a natural reaction to disaster and trauma in our lives. In addition, up to 25% of people have significant related problems such as anxiety, depression, or substance abuse. Symptoms include flashbacks, emotional numbness, acute anxiety, and physical reactions such as increased heart rate and nausea. This book takes a wide-ranging look at the nature of PTSD after distressing experiences such as war, sexual abuse or rape, natural and man-made disasters, car accidents, or the death of a loved one.Emotional First Aid by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2014Prescriptive and unique, Emotional First Aid is essential reading for anyone looking to become more resilient, build self-esteem, and let go of the hurts and hang-ups that are holding them back. We all sustain emotional wounds. Failure, guilt, rejection, and loss are as much a part of life as the occasional scraped elbow. But while we typically bandage a cut or ice a sprained ankle, our first aid kit for emotional injuries is not just understocked--it's nonexistent. Fortunately, there is such a thing as mental first aid for battered emotions. Drawing on the latest scientific research and using real-life examples, practicing psychologist Guy Winch, Ph.D. offers specific step-by-step treatments that are fast, simple, and effective.Living with Your Body and Other Things You Hate by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2014Let's be honest: most people are unhappy with at least some aspect of their physical appearance. Just think of all the money we spend each year trying to improve our looks! But if worrying about your appearance is getting in the way of living, maybe it's time to start thinking about body image in a completely new way. Based in proven-effective acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), Living with Your Body and Other Things You Hate offers a unique approach to addressing your struggle with body image.
The Good-Enough Life by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2022How an acceptance of our limitations can lead to a more fulfilling life and a more harmonious society We live in a world oriented toward greatness, one in which we feel compelled to be among the wealthiest, most powerful, and most famous. This book explains why no one truly benefits from this competitive social order, and reveals how another way of life is possible--a good-enough life for all.The Mindfulness and Acceptance Workbook for Self-Esteem by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2020With this evidence-based guide, you'll learn to break free from the self-critical stories you've created about yourself and develop the self-compassion and self-acceptance you need to reach your full potential. Grounded in evidence-based acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), this workbook offers a step-by-step program.Self-Acceptance by
Call Number: 158.1 BARPublication Date: 2020How to look after your mental wellbeing in times of stress. In an age where self-esteem is seen as essential to mental health, we are seeing unprecedented rises in mental health difficulties from depression anxiety, eating disorders and many others. Is there not a dichotomy at play here? Is Self - Esteem (ie 'I live for my rating') a reality at all or simply a myth we are all buying into.Insight: how to succeed by seeing yourself clearly by
Call Number: 158.1 EURPublication Date: 2019Research shows that self-awareness is the meta-skill of the 21st century – the foundation for high performance, smart choices, and lasting relationships. Unfortunately, we are remarkably poor judges of ourselves and how we come across, and it’s rare to get candid, objective feedback from colleagues, employees, and even friends and family. We can ALL learn to be more self-aware.Self-Esteem by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2016If you struggle with low self-esteem, or you're seeking positive and effective ways of building a healthy sense of self-worth, this much-anticipated fourth edition of the best-selling classic by Matthew McKay is your go-to guide. This fully revised edition features an innovative application of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) to self-esteem, and utilizes updated cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to help you create positive change and thrive.I (Heart) Me by
Call Number: 158.1 HAMPublication Date: 2015How much love do you have for yourself? Not the narcissistic 'Aren't I wonderful' kind of love, but the essential regard for self that empowers your and helps you navigate through life. The type of love that enables you to feel safe and secure in who you are and inspires you to make choices that are good for your authentic self. When scientist David Hamilton realizes that his own lack of self-love was sabotaging him in hundreds of subtle ways and more than a handful of major ways, he devised an experiment using himself as the guinea pig.Self-Compassion by
Call Number: 158.1 NEFPublication Date: 2015Self-Compassion: Stop Beating Yourself Up and Leave Insecurity Behind offers expert advice on how to limit self-criticism and offset its negative effects, enabling you to achieve your highest potential and a more contented, fulfilled life. More and more, psychologists are turning away from an emphasis on self-esteem and moving toward self-compassion in the treatment of their patients--and Dr. Neff's extraordinary book offers exercises and action plans for dealing with every emotionally debilitating struggle, be it parenting, weight loss, or any of the numerous trials of everyday living.Self-Esteem Therapy by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2014Self-esteem goes to the heart of a person's identity, affirming that you're acceptable and loved just as you are. Without adequate self-esteem, you have an aching sense of wrongness and shame about yourself and an emptiness that you may try to fill in unhealthy and futile ways. Self-esteem Therapy invites you to go deep within to confront the inner emptiness. With gentle and reassuring insight, it demonstrates how the power to heal your wounded self-esteem rests with you.Self-esteem for women : a practical guide to love, intimacy and success by
Call Number: 158.1 FIEPublication Date: 2009Despite advances over the last two decades, many women still struggle to have their voices heard in today's culture. But women don't have to continue taking a back seat. This clearly written book shows women how to recognize and change negative beliefs. It is essential reading for every woman who wants to build a positive self-image, succeed in love, be more assertive, and break addictive patterns.Overcoming Low Self-Esteem Self-Help Course by
Call Number: 158.1 FENPublication Date: 2006Overcoming Low Self Esteem has become a classic of self-help literature, winning widespread praise for its practical and user-friendly approach. At last this benchmark work is available as a large format, practical manual, complete with multiple copies of worksheets, diaries and exercises suitable for a two-week course of treatment. The user will be able to write directly into the workbook, allowing him or her to trace progress over the course of treatment, monitor behaviour and record step-by-step improvement. Ideal for working through alone or with guided assistance, Overcoming Low Self Esteem Self Help Manual is a complete step-by-step treatment guide.
Sensitive: The Power of a Thoughtful Mind in an Overwhelming World by
Call Number: 155.232 GRAPublication Date: 2024Nearly 1 in 3 people have the genes to be more sensitive than others. But what if we said it doesn't have to be the insult it's always been framed as? Through fascinating research, expert storytelling and practical insight, this book will teach you how to unlock the potential in this undervalued strength and leverage it in your relationships, your work and your life.The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2018Are you kinder to others than you are to yourself? More than a thousand research studies show the benefits of being a supportive friend to yourself, especially in times of need. This science-based workbook offers a step-by-step approach to breaking free of harsh self-judgments and impossible standards in order to cultivate emotional well-being. In a convenient large-size format, the book is based on the authors' groundbreaking eight-week Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) program, which has helped tens of thousands of people worldwide. It is packed with guided meditations (with audio downloads); informal practices to do anytime, anywhere; exercises; and vivid stories of people using the techniques to address relationship stress, weight and body image issues, health concerns, anxiety, and other common problems.Why has nobody told me this before? by
Call Number: 616.89 SMIPublication Date: 2022Drawing on years of experience as a clinical psychologist, online sensation Dr Julie Smith shares all the skills you need to get through life's ups and downs. Filled with secrets from a therapist's toolkit, this is a must-have handbook for optimising your mental health. Dr Julie's simple but expert advice and powerful coping techniques will help you stay resilient no matter what life throws your way.The Good-Enough Life by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2022How an acceptance of our limitations can lead to a more fulfilling life and a more harmonious society We live in a world oriented toward greatness, one in which we feel compelled to be among the wealthiest, most powerful, and most famous. This book explains why no one truly benefits from this competitive social order, and reveals how another way of life is possible--a good-enough life for all. Avram Alpert shows how our obsession with greatness results in stress and anxiety, damage to our relationships, widespread political and economic inequality, and destruction of the natural world.The Vitality Mark by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2022We all know the basic vital signs that indicate being alive, but true vitality means really feeling alive: feeling energised, invigorated, enthusiastic and optimistic every day. Through his work as a lifestyle-medicine practitioner, Dr Mark Rowe has come to see how the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of our wellbeing all impact on our health and our ability to stay well. Getting all these elements working in an interconnected, synergistic way forms the essence of vitality, or 'the VitalityMark' as Dr Rowe has come to define it.No Such Thing As Normal by
Call Number: 158 GORPublication Date: 2022'Mental illness has led to some of the worst times of my life... but it has also led to some of the most brilliant. Bad things happen, but good things can come from them. And strange as it might sound, my mental health has been vastly improved by being mentally ill.' From depression and anxiety to personality disorders, one in four of us experience mental health issues every year and, in these strange and unsettling times, more of us than ever are struggling to cope. In No Such Thing As Normal, Bryony offers sensible, practical advice, covering subjects such as sleep, addiction, worry, medication, self-image, boundary setting, therapy, learned behaviour, mindfulness and, of course - as the founder of Mental Health Mates - the power of walking and talking.Cleaning up Your Mental Mess by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2021Toxic thoughts, depression, anxiety--our mental mess is frequently aggravated by a chaotic world and sustained by an inability to manage our runaway thoughts. But we shouldn't settle into this mental mess as if it's just our new normal. There's hope and help available to us--and the road to healthier thoughts and peak happiness may actually be shorter than you think.Wintering : the power of rest and retreat in difficult times by
Call Number: 158.1092 MAYPublication Date: 2020Wintering is a poignant and comforting meditation on the fallow periods of life, times when we must retreat to care for and repair ourselves. Katherine May thoughtfully shows us how to come through these times with the wisdom of knowing that, like the seasons, our winters and summers are the ebb and flow of life.Resilience by
Call Number: 155.24 SOUPublication Date: 2018Most of us at some point in our lives will be struck by major traumas such as the sudden death of a loved one, a debilitating disease, assault, or a natural disaster. Resilience refers to the ability to 'bounce back' after encountering difficulty. This book provides a guide to building emotional, mental and physical resilience by presenting ten factors to help anyone become more resilient to life's challenges. Specific resilience factors such as facing fear, optimism, and social support are described through the experiences and personal reflections of highly resilient survivors.The Bullet Journal Method by
Call Number: 640.43 CARPublication Date: 2018There's a reason this system for time management, goal setting, and intentional living has been adopted by millions around the globe: it works. Not only will you get more done, but you'll get the right things done. All you need is a pen, paper, and five spare minutes a day. In The Bullet Journal Method, Ryder Carroll, the system's founder, provides an essential guide to avoiding all-too-common beginner mistakes and building a core discipline from which you can personalize your practice.Emotional Resilience by
Call Number: 158.1 BARPublication Date: 2018In this book, bestselling author and GP Dr Harry Barry reveals how you can unlock your inner emotional resilience reserves, deal with the challenges of life, and protect your mental health. He explores the key skills needed to transform your emotional capacity and reach your full potential.The Elephant in the Brain by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2018Human beings are primates, and primates are political animals. Our brains, therefore, are designed not just to hunt and gather, but also to help us get ahead socially, often via deception and self-deception. But while we may be self-interested schemers, we benefit by pretending otherwise. The less we know about our own ugly motives, the better - and thus we don't like to talk or even think about the extent of our selfishness.
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