Health & Wellbeing Collection: Mindfulness & Meditation
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Mindfulness & Meditation
Mindfulness by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2019How does mindfulness promote psychological well-being? What are its core mechanisms? What value do contemplative practices add to approaches that are already effective? From leading meditation teacher Christina Feldman and distinguished psychologist Willem Kuyken, this book provides a uniquely integrative perspective on mindfulness and its applications. The authors explore mindfulness from its roots in Buddhist psychology to its role in contemporary psychological science.The Mindful Spark by
Call Number: 158.13 DELPublication Date: 2021In these particularly stressful times, many people are struggling with their mental health. Some are caught up in their painful past, others are fretful about an uncertain future, and even more are anxious about their current circumstances. In this insightful book, David Delaney draws on his own experiences to provide a welcome handbook on resilience through mindfulness.Mindfulness for Young Adults by
Call Number: EBOOKPublication Date: 2021Mindfulness for Young Adults: Tools to Thrive in School and Life is an interactive experience designed to enhance mindful awareness and to aid in teaching and learning the principles and practice of mindfulness. It includes practical techniques to cope with emotions, work with thoughts, navigate stress, build resilience, make aligned choices, and be more present in life and relationships. Designed for both students and instructors, this workbook can be used independently or in the classroom as either a textbook to an introductory mindfulness course or as a supplement for teaching well-being practices in any discipline.Routledge Handbook of Yoga and Meditation Studies by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2021The Routledge Handbook of Yoga and Meditation Studies is a comprehensive and interdisciplinary resource, which frames and contextualises the rapidly expanding fields that explore yoga and meditative techniques. The book analyses yoga and meditation studies in a variety of religious, historical and geographical settings. The chapters, authored by an international set of experts, are laid out across five sections: Introduction to yoga and meditation studies History of yoga and meditation in South Asia Doctrinal perspectives: technique and praxis Global and regional transmissions Disciplinary framingsBig Panda and Tiny Dragon by
Call Number: 294.34 NORPublication Date: 2021Lost in the swirling mists they fall asleep under glittering stars. It is spring by the time they emerge and while they sit watching a warm sun rise, it dawns on them that another magnificent adventure awaits.
Beloved friends Big Panda and Tiny Dragon journey through the seasons of the year together. And, although they often get lost, it leads them to discover many beautiful things. They explore the hardships and happiness that connect us all. They learn how to live in the moment, how to be at peace with uncertainty and how to find the strength to overcome life's obstacles, together.The Art of Mindful Reading by
Call Number: 028.9 BERPublication Date: 2019The Art of Mindful Reading embraces the joy of absorbing words on a page, encouraging a state of mind as deeply therapeutic and vital to our wellbeing as breathing. The healing power of reading has been renowned since Aristotle; focus, flow and enlightenment can all be discovered through this universal act. Bibliotherapist Ella Berthoud explores how reading mindfully can shape the person you are, teach empathy with others and give you your moral backbone.The Student Guide to Mindfulness by
Call Number: 378.19713 MAIPublication Date: 2019Do you want to: Learn how to embed mindfulness in your everyday life? Understand how to manage feelings of anxiety or depression? Find a healthy balance between course work, job and social life? Face the future with a positive attitude? More than ever students are reporting high levels of stress, depression and loneliness while at university - so looking after your mental wellbeing is just as important as academic preparationReal Happiness: A 28-day Programme to Connect with the Power of Meditation by
Call Number: ebookISBN: 9781788171472Publication Date: 2019Beginning with the simplest breathing and sitting techniques, and based on three key skills - concentration, mindfulness and lovingkindness - it's a practice anyone can do and that can transform our lives by bringing us greater resiliency, creativity, peace, clarity and balance.Calm by
Call Number: 158.12 SMIPublication Date: 2018Modern life is exhausting- join the Calm revolution. Trains delayed, non-stop email, endless to-do lists - there has never been a more important time to stop, recharge and discover moments of calm. Absolutely everyone can achieve calm - including you - and in this book you'll learn how to take back a little bit of peace, space and all-important time for yourself.Say What You Mean by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2018Find your voice, speak your truth, listen deeply--a guide to having more meaningful and mindful conversations through nonviolent communication We spend so much of our lives talking to each other, but how much are we simply running on automatic--relying on old habits and hoping for the best? Are we able to truly hear others and speak our mind in a clear and kind way, without needing to get defensive or go on the attack?The Miracle of Mindfulness, Gift Edition by
Call Number: ebookPublication Date: 2016Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh offers gentle anecdotes and practical exercise as a means of learning the skills of mindfulness. From washing the dishes to answering the phone to peeling an orange, he reminds us that each moment holds within it an opportunity to work toward greater self-understanding and peacefulness.
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