Humanitarian Action: Books
Refugees, displacement, disasters, migration, human rights
Print Reference Works Social Sciences Collection
Encyclopedia of Activism and Social Justice by Gary L. Anderson (Editor); Kathryn G. Herr (Editor) The Encyclopedia of Activism and Social Justice presents a comprehensive overview of the field with topics of varying dimensions, breadth, and length. This three-volume Encyclopedia is designed for readers to understand the topics, concepts, and ideas that motivate and shape the fields of activism, civil engagement, and social justice and includes biographies of the major thinkers and leaders who have influenced and continue to influence the study of activism.
Call Number: James Joyce, Reference 303.48403 ANDISBN: 9781412918121Publication Date: 2007-04-13Globalization and Violence by Paul James (Editor) Central Currents in Globalization Series: The concept of 'globalization' has in an extraordinarily short time become the dominant motif of the contemporary social sciences. Central Currents in Globalization is an integrated collection of four multi-volume sets that represent the systematic mapping of globalization studies. The series sets out the contours of a field that now crosses the boundaries of all the older disciplines in the social sciences and humanities. The result is a gold-standard collection of over 320 of the most important writings on globalization, structured around four interrelated themes: Violence; Economy; Culture; and Politics. The series editor, Paul James (RMIT, Australia), is joined by sixteen internationally-renowned co-editors from around the globe who bring their subject expertise to each volume, including Jonathan Friedman, Tom Nairn, R.R. Sharma, Manfred Steger, Ronen Palan and Micheline Ishay. Together the four sets provide an unparalleled resource on globalization, providing both broad coverage of the subject, historical depth and contemporary relevance. Features: - Compiles the most important English-language articles and translations in the various sub-themes of globalization. - Combines contemporary and classic pieces, together with some lesser-known works that have nevertheless made a major contribution. - Represents the vast range of cultural, philosophical and political approaches, both within and beyond the dominant British and North American traditions. - Each volume employs the same accessible structure: Historical Developments, Key Debates and Critical Projections. - Each volume is introduced by an accessible and broad-ranging 10,000 word overview, and each section is prefaced by short contextualizations of the chosen articles. Globalization and Violence: Volume 1 - Globalizing Empires: Old and New (with Tom Nairn, RMIT, Australia) examines the historically-deep process of empire-building, bringing it up-to-date with contemporary debates about the existence and nature of 'empire'. Volume 2 - Colonial and Postcolonial Globalizations (with Phillip Darby, University of Melbourne, Australia) looks at the violence of colonialization and decolonization, as well as the military and structural forms of postcolonial violence visible today. Volume 3 - Globalizing War and Intervention (with Jonathan Friedman, Lund University, Sweden) focuses on the changing nature of military intervention, and covers the consequences of the 'world wars', the debates over humanitarian intervention and conditional sovereignty, and global terrorism. Volume 4 - Transnational Conflict (with R.R. Sharma, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India) complements the third volume by examining the different sources and consequences of contemporary transnational conflict including the international slave trade, refugee flows, and diaspora support for nationalist conflicts. Each volume is introduced by a contextualizing essay written by Paul James and the co-editor.
Call Number: James Joyce, Reference 327.117 JAMISBN: 9781412919548Publication Date: 2006-05-09Encyclopedia of Globalization by Roland Robertson (Editor); Jan Aart Scholte (Editor) The 'Encyclopedia of Globalization' provides a thorough understanding of the theoretical underpinnings of globalisation as well as the various historical and analytical interpretations of globalisation. It covers the wide range of areas affected by globalising trends.
Call Number: James Joyce, Reference 327 ENCISBN: 0415973147Publication Date: 2006-10-30Encyclopedia of Human Rights by David P. Forsythe Winner of the 2010 Dartmouth Medal, this major five-volume encyclopedia offers comprehensive coverage of all aspects of human rights theory, practice, law, and history. The set will provide situation profiles and full coverage of the development of the movement, historical cases of abuse, the key figures, major organizations, and a range of other issues in economics, government, religion, and journalism that touch on human rights theory and practice. In addition to providing original analytical articles covering standard subjects such as the right to health and health care, Amnesty International, the Balkan wars, and former President of Ireland Mary Robinson, it offers innovative coverage of such subjects as the Internet, intellectual property rights, the American civil rights movement, globalization, and Brazil in historical context. Focusing primarily on developments since 1945, it offers an unrivaled reference source for students and researchers; even human rights experts are likely to find much original material and keen insights in many of the entries. KEY SUBJECT AREAS INCLUDE: ORGANIZATIONS AND INSTITUTIONS: American Civil Liberties Union, World Health Organization, UNICEF, Carter Center LEADING FIGURES: Adolf Hitler, Steve Biko, Elie Wiesel, Simone de Beauvoir, Joseph Stalin, Eleanor Roosevelt, Pol Pot, Shirin Ebadi, Kim Jong Il HUMAN RIGHTS EVENTS AND CRISES: Darfur, Irish Famine, Soviet Gulag, Central America in the 1980s, Colonialism, Belgian Congo, AIDS HUMAN RIGHTS NORMS: Ethnic Cleansing, Women's Rights, Religious Freedom, Torture: International Law, Disability Rights
Call Number: James Joyce, Reference 323.03 FORISBN: 9780195334029Publication Date: 2009-08-11The Penguin Atlas of Women in the World by Joni Seager The most up-to-date global perspective on how women are living today across continents and cultures In this completely revised and updated fourth edition of her groundbreaking atlas, Joni Seager provides comprehensive and accessible analysis of up-to-the-minute global data on the key issues facing women today: equality, motherhood, feminism, the culture of beauty, women at work, women in the global economy, changing households, domestic violence, lesbian rights, women in government, and more. The result is an invaluable resource on the status of women around the world today.
Call Number: James Joyce, Reference 305.420223 SEAISBN: 9780143114512Publication Date: 2008-11-25The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Women's Issues Worldwide by Lynn Walter (Editor-In-Chief); Amy Lind; Manisha Desai; Cheryl Toronto Kalny; Bahira Sherif-Trask; Aili Mari Tripp Women are working internationally to build a world based on gender equality and justice. Their concerns are shaped by conditions in their own countries and regions, and also by conditions for women in other parts of the world. Links forged by globalization, international relations, United Nations gender equality and development programs, and women's nongovernmental organizations connect their futures. This groundbreaking reference set documents the achievements and current challenges for all women, providing distortion-free and newly available information about women's status, in matters from education to violence, in more than 130 countries in the world's most populated areas. Written by an international host of contributing specialists, this set is accessible to high school students and above. Its consistent narrative coverage and relevant statistics are ideal for research and comparisons. Readers will find that conceptions of women's issues vary by country as the set illuminates diverse perspectives and contemporary practices that shape the variations in equality and well-being among women. Judicious inclusion of historical processes helps frame the issues in a holistic perspective. Volume maps, individual country maps, tables, photos, and indexes by set and volume are also included.
Call Number: James Joyce, Reference 305.4203 GREISBN: 0313327874Publication Date: 2003-09-30
Sample Print Books
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Principles of International Humanitarian Law by Jonathan Crowe; Kylie Weston-Scheuber This book provides a clear and concise explanation of the central principles of international humanitarian law (or the law of armed conflict) while situating them in a broader philosophical, ethical and legal context.
Call Number: James Joyce, General 341.67 CROISBN: 9781781002728Publication Date: 2013-09-30EU Immigration and Asylum Law by Steve Peers (Editor); Elspeth Guild (Editor); Jonathan Tomkin (Editor) Since 1999, the EU has adopted legislation harmonizing many areas of immigration law, in particular rules on borders, visas, legal migration, and irregular migration.The much-enlarged and fully updated second edition of this book contains the text of and detailed commentary upon every significant measure in this field proposed or adopted up until 1 September 2011. It includes commentary on the EU visa code, the Schengen Borders Code, the Frontex Regulation, the Returns Directive, the Directives on family reunion, long-term residents and single permits for migrant workers, and many more besides.This is the essential guide for any lawyers, academics, civil servants, NGOs and students interested in this area of law.The authors of each commentary are academic and practitioner experts in the field of EU immigration law based in the UK, Ireland and the Netherlands.
Call Number: James Joyce, General 341.484 PEEISBN: 9789004222229Publication Date: 2012-07-25Not Born a Refugee Woman by Maroussia Hajdukowski-Ahmed (Editor); Nazilla Khanlou (Editor); Helene Moussa (Editor) This volume explores identity in all its complexities, in the increasingly racialised post-September 11th context, from the perspective of refugee women.
Call Number: James Joyce, General 325.21 HAJISBN: 9781845454975Publication Date: 2008-06-01Forced Displacement by Katarzyna Grabska (Editor); Lyla Mehta (Editor) Uprootedness, exile and forced displacement, be they due to conflict, persecution or even so-called 'development', are conditions which characterise the lives of millions of people across the globe. While the international community has largely been concerned with refugees crossing borders to flee persecution, violence, impoverishment and brutal regimes, less attention has been paid to internally displaced populations. This book problematises both policies and rights frameworks in processesof displacement, while bridging the divide that exists between refugee and oustee studies.
Call Number: James Joyce, Development Studies 325 GRAISBN: 9780230522251Publication Date: 2008-12-15Refugee Protection and the Role of Law by Susan Kneebone (Editor); Dallal Stevens (Editor); Loretta Baldassar (Editor) Sixty years on from the signing of the Refugee Convention, forced migration and refugee movements continue to raise global concerns for hosting states and regions, for countries of origin, for humanitarian organisations on the ground, and, of course, for the refugee.
Call Number: James Joyce, General 341.486 KNEISBN: 9780415835657Publication Date: 2014-06-26Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security in an Era of Oil Scarcity by Julia Wright
Call Number: 338.187291 WRIISBN: 9781844075720Publication Date: 2008-11-28Who Fights? Who Cares? by Alexander De Waal (Editor) Africa faces huge political and humanitarian challenges. Sixteen countries are stricken by war or serious instability. The shadow of genocide looms over central Africa, while natural and man-made disasters threaten the lives and livelihoods of millions. To date, most attempts to tackle these problems have failed and this collection of essays looks at a variety of new approaches that it is hoped will influence and stimulate thought about options for the future.
Call Number: James Joyce, Development Studies 967 DEWISBN: 0865438641Publication Date: 2000-07-01Evaluating International Humanitarian Action by Adrian Wood (Editor); Raymond J. Apthorpe (Editor); John Borton (Editor) Humanitarian intervention has become a much more frequent form of development assistance, and there has been a corresponding need to evaluate the effectiveness of such interventions. This is the first compilation of the experiences of practitioners engaged in humanitarian programme evaluations, and the lessons they have learned. The case studies cover the different kinds of humanitarian emergency characteristic of the past decade. The contributors address the context in which evaluations of humanitarian assistance take place; the actual process of doing evaluations; and the lessons for improving how such evaluations might be better undertaken in future. This pioneering volume should be of practical value to agencies and individuals engaged in both the delivery of humanitarian assistance in complex emergencies and its evaluation.
Call Number: James Joyce, Development Studies 361.26 WOOISBN: 1856499758Publication Date: 2001-11-03Six Billion Plus by K. Bruce Newbold
Call Number: James Joyce, General 363.9 NEWISBN: 9780742539280Publication Date: 2006-05-25The International Politics of Human Rights by Monica Serrano (Editor); Thomas G. Weiss (Editor) The responsibility to protect (R2P) is at a crossroads, the latest in a journey that is only ten years old. This book present debates on the prevention of mass atrocities to R2P's normative prospects. The book addresses key questions as a way to inform and drive on-going conversations about R2P. Moving beyond well-rehearsed debates about the tensions and meanings around sovereignty in R2P practice, the book focuses on advancing the credibility of the preventive dimensions of R2P, whilst simultaneously examining the extent of R2P's current value-added in state decision making--especially for the 2011 actions in Libya and Côte d'Ivoire. Questions addressed include: Did the R2P framework of the 2005 World Summit Declaration intend to mould sovereignty, and if so how? Can R2P break or revert cycles of violence? How can one determine the appropriate duration and timing of the preventive and protective phases of R2P? Who/what should be the targets of preventive action, and how does this have an impact on R2P diplomacy? Under which conditions are particular policy tools likely to be effective? Which state and regional actors are best suited to using these tools? What are the barriers to successful preventive action--how can they be overcome? What capacities need to be built (at the national, regional, and international levels) in order to operationalize R2P's preventive agenda? Examining a wide range of countries, this work will be essential reading for students and scholars of international human rights, international organizations, peacekeeping and conflict resolution.
Call Number: James Joyce, General (341.481 SER)ISBN: 9780415626347Publication Date: 2013-12-20Humanitarian Intervention by Thomas G. Weiss; Gareth Evans (Foreword by) A singular development of the post Cold-War era is the use of military force to protect human beings. From Rwanda to Kosovo, Sierra Leone to East Timor, soldiers have rescued civilians in some of the world's most notorious war zones. Drawing on two decades of research, Thomas G. Weiss provides a compelling introduction to the theory and practice of humanitarian intervention in the modern world. He examines political, ethical, legal, strategic, economic, and operational dimensions and uses a wide range of cases to highlight key debates and controversies. This succinct and highly accessible survey is neither celebratory nor complacent. The author locates the normative evolution of what is increasingly known as the responsibility to protect in the context of the war on terror and the 2005 UN World Summit. The result is an engaging exploration of the current dilemmas and future challenges for international humanitarian action in the 21st Century.
Call Number: James Joyce, Development Studies 341.584 WEIISBN: 9780745640228Publication Date: 2007-05-08Who Fights? Who Cares? by Alexander De Waal (Editor) Africa faces huge political and humanitarian challenges. Sixteen countries are stricken by war or serious instability. The shadow of genocide looms over central Africa, while natural and man-made disasters threaten the lives and livelihoods of millions. To date, most attempts to tackle these problems have failed and this collection of essays looks at a variety of new approaches that it is hoped will influence and stimulate thought about options for the future.
Call Number: James Joyce, Development Studies 967 DEWISBN: 0865438641Publication Date: 2000-07-01Peaceland : conflict resolution and the everyday politics of international intervention / Séverine Autesserre Autesserre, Séverine, 1976- by Séverine Autesserre This book suggests a new explanation for why international peace interventions often fail to reach their full potential. Based on several years of ethnographic research in conflict zones around the world, it demonstrates that everyday elements - such as the expatriates' social habits and usual approaches to understanding their areas of operation - strongly influence peacebuilding effectiveness. Individuals from all over the world and all walks of life share numerous practices, habits, and narratives when they serve as interveners in conflict zones. These common attitudes and actions enable foreign peacebuilders to function in the field, but they also result in unintended consequences that thwart international efforts. Certain expatriates follow alternative modes of thinking and acting, often with notable results, but they remain in the minority. Through an in-depth analysis of the interveners' everyday life and work, this book proposes innovative ways to better help host populations build a sustainable peace.
Call Number: On OrderISBN: 9781107632042Publication Date: 2014-05-19
- Civil society and the pursuit of peace: the dynamics of conflict transformation in Zanzibar / Lupa Ramadhani Ramadhani, LupaCall Number: Thesis Thesis | University College Dublin | 2012 Available at James Joyce, Store Thesis (Thesis 12113)
- The host with the most : benefits and burdens of refugee policy transformations in Tanzania / Carolyn Godfrey Godfrey, Carolyn.Call Number: Thesis | University College Dublin | 2009 Available at James Joyce, Store Thesis (Thesis 11875)
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An extensive multidisciplinary collection of online resources covering life, health, social and physical sciences, and humanities. UCD Library purchases select ebooks to support teaching, learning and research.
Sample eBooks Humanitarian Action, Disaster Management & Refugee Law
Humanitarian Action by Andrej Zwitter (Editor); Christopher K. Lamont (Editor); Hans-Joachim Heintze (Editor); Joost Herman (Editor) The laws governing humanitarian action stand at the intersection of several fields of international law, regional agreements, soft law and domestic law. Through in-depth case studies and analyses, expert scholars and practitioners come together to offer interdisciplinary approaches which include contributions from legal policy, international relations and philosophical perspectives. Providing invaluable overviews and insights, this collection of essays sheds light on the subject and makes sense of the various elements involved to elucidate the foundations of law and policy of humanitarian action.
ISBN: 9781107053533Publication Date: 2014-11-13- The Unhcr and the Supervision of International Refugee Law by James C. Simeon The 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, and its 1967 Protocol, and many other important international instruments recognize the unique role the UNHCR plays in protecting refugees and supervising international refugee law. This in-depth analysis of the UNHCR's supervisory role in the international refugee protection regime examines the part played by key institutions, organizations and actors in the supervision of international refugee law. It provides suggestions and recommendations on how the UNHCR's supervisory role can be strengthened to ensure greater State Parties' compliance to their obligations under these international refugee rights treaties, and contributes to enhancing the international protection of refugees and to the promotion of a democratic global governance of the international refugee protection regime.ISBN: 9781306071673Publication Date: 2013-01-01
Disaster Management by Alejandro López-Carresi; Maureen Fordham; Ben Wisner; Ilan Kelman; Jc Gaillard
ISBN: 9781136179778Publication Date: 2013-11-12Introduction to International Disaster Management by Damon P. Coppola Disaster management is a vibrant and growing field, driven by government spending in the wake of terrorist attacks and environmental debacles, as well as private-sector hiring of risk managers and emergency planners. An ever-increasing number of practicing professionals needs a reference that can provide a solid foundation in ALL major phases of supervision OCo mitigation, preparedness, response, communications, and recovery. As climate change leads to further costly catastrophes and as countries around the world continue to struggle with terrorism, the demand for solutions will only grow. This revised edition of CoppolaOCOs revered resource meets said demand head-on with more focused, current, thoughtfully analyzed, and effective approaches to disaster relief. Expanded coverage of global approaches to disaster management with enhanced data and research on disasters around the world, including Cyclone Nargis, the H1N1 pandemic, and the tsunami in American SamoaMore material on risk management, mitigation, myths that affect behavior during crises, and post-disaster evaluation of the responseUp-to-date information on the role of aid organizations and international financial institutions like the World Bank in disaster response, as well as commentary on the latest research in disaster management and policy studies"
ISBN: 9780123821751Publication Date: 2011-02-23International Disaster Response Law by Andrea De Guttry; Marco Gestri (Editor); Gabriella Venturini (Editor); Andrea de Guttry (Editor) With a Foreword by Kristalina Georgieva, European Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response Over the last decades natural and man-made disasters have been increasing in terms of frequency, size, number of people affected and material damage caused. There is growing awareness of the importance of adequate national and international legal frameworks for disaster prevention, mitigation and response. The implementation of these frameworks, however, poses serious challenges. This book analyses International Disaster Response Law as developed in recent times and identifies the main existing normative gaps. The authors address the rights and duties of States in preventing and mitigating disasters, in facilitating access to their territory for humanitarian relief actors, as well as issues related to liability and compensation. Due attention is paid to European Union law governing disaster response (and to its reform in the light of the Lisbon Treaty) and to the main trends in domestic legislation. Human rights obligations are thoroughly examined and the potential relevance of international criminal law is assessed. Additional topics such as the status of relief personnel, the hindrances to the delivery of relief consignments by customs and excise administration, the use of civilian and military defence assets in emergency situations, the mechanisms and procedures available to offer financial support for recovery and rehabilitation, risk insurance, and the issue of corruption during disaster-related activities are specifically addressed. By drawing on the expertise of lawyers, political scientists, economists and humanitarian practitioners, the book promotes much-needed interdisciplinary dialog and sheds light on a largely uncharted field of research. It is therefore essential reading for academics and practitioners in international and EU law, policy makers, civil protection and humanitarian operators and for anyone interested in exploring the legal facets of the international community''s response to large-scale calamitous events. Over the last decades natural and man-made disasters have been increasing in terms of frequency, size, number of people affected and material damage caused. There is growing awareness of the importance of adequate national and international legal frameworks for disaster prevention, mitigation and response. The implementation of these frameworks, however, poses serious challenges. This book analyses International Disaster Response Law as developed in recent times and identifies the main existing normative gaps. The authors address the rights and duties of States in preventing and mitigating disasters, in facilitating access to their territory for humanitarian relief actors, as well as issues related to liability and compensation. Due attention is paid to European Union law governing disaster response (and to its reform in the light of the Lisbon Treaty) and to the main trends in domestic legislation. Human rights obligations are thoroughly examined and the potential relevance of international criminal law is assessed. Additional topics such as the status of relief personnel, the hindrances to the delivery of relief consignments by customs and excise administration, the use of civilian and military defence assets in emergency situations, the mechanisms and procedures available to offer financial support for recovery and rehabilitation, risk insurance, and the issue of corruption during disaster-related activities are specifically addressed. By drawing on the expertise of lawyers, political scientists, economists and humanitarian practitioners, the book promotes much-needed interdisciplinary dialog and sheds light on a largely uncharted field of research. It is therefore essential reading for academics and practitioners in international and EU law, policy makers, civil protection and humanitarian operators and for anyone interested in exploring the legal facets of the international community''s response to large-scale calamitous events.
ISBN: 9789067048828Publication Date: 2012-08-31
Sample eBooks Public Health, Geopolitics, Globalization
Issues in Public Health by Fiona Sim; Martin McKee This book discusses the core issues of modern public health, its themes, foundations and evolution and the impact of globalisation.
ISBN: 9780335244232Publication Date: 2011-09-01Public Health and Epidemiology at a Glance by Margaret Somerville; K. Kumaran; Rob Anderson This brand new title in the market-leading at a Glance series provides a highly-illustrated, visual introduction to the key concepts of population-level disease prevention. Accessible, double-page spreads help you understand and appreciate the determinants of health which impact on healthcare services and their effectiveness. Public Health and Epidemiology at a Glance features high-yield information on all the topics covered at medical school, including: Measurement of population health Epidemiological concepts of cause and association, surveillance, and risk Use of epidemiology in clinical decision-making Epidemiology of major health problems such as cardiovascular disease and cancer Health promotion Basics of health economics Basics of health policy, needs assessment, and evaluation Also featuring self-assessment questions to help test learning, this new title will provide an invaluable resource for medical and healthcare students, junior doctors, and those preparing for a career in public health.
ISBN: 9781118286562Publication Date: 2012-01-17Globalization and Sustainable Economic Development by Piya Mahtaney Mahtaney explores the next phase of economic growth, by arguing that globalization is a mindset.
ISBN: 9781137024992Publication Date: 2013-01-01The Ashgate Research Companion to Critical Geopolitics by Klaus Dodds Bringing together leading researchers associated with the different forms of critical geopolitics, this volume produces an overview of its achievements, limitations, and areas of new and potential future development. The Companion is designed to serve as a key resource for an interdisciplinary group of scholars and practitioners interested in the spatiality of politics.
ISBN: 9781283859592Publication Date: 2013-01-01
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