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Welcome New Students: Library Student Guides

UCD Library Student Guide orange hoodie

Library Student Guides

During the academic term our Library Student Guides provide basic peer-to-peer support to students in the James Joyce Library and directional information and guidance to services such as the Welcome Desk, Sensory Rooms, Zoom Rooms, quiet study areas, photocopiers and book borrowing and returns.  They will provide peer to peer tours at the start of each term (see details below).

They will also provide guidance on how to find key information and services on the Library's website, including opening hours, floor plans, room bookings and study space bookings. During busy exam periods they will give advice on study etiquette in the Library and encourage students not to "space hog" during peak study periods.

Location: Library Student Guides desks are located on Levels 2 and 4 of the James Joyce Library.

Monday - Friday 11:00-14:00
Saturday/Sunday 13:00-16:00