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Art History and Cultural Policy: Journal Articles & Databases
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For print-only journals you will be shown the location and shelfmark, so that you can locate the volume on the shelf
For electronic journals, click to link to the full journal and then navigate to the year, volume and issue that you want to see your article: or there may be an option to search for the article title provided by the online journal portal in which case key in the article in that box.
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What Is Peer Review?
Articles in peer reviewed journals have been assessed before publication by subject experts. This means they are the 'gold' standard in academic articles. You will be expected to use peer reviewed journal articles in your assignments.
Key Databases for Art History and Cultural Policy
Databases allow you to search across a range of different journals, books and other publications for information on a specific topic. Databases contain peer-reviewed, scholarly material. Links to the full-text will be provided, where available, by UCD Library.
- Oxford Art Online (OUP) This link opens in a new windowOxford Art Online provides Web access to the entire text of The Dictionary of Art with quarterly additions of new material and updates to the text, plus extensive image links and all the sophisticated search advantages possible with an online reference source.
- JSTOR This link opens in a new windowJSTOR spans many disciplines, primarily in the humanities and social sciences, including the History of Art.
- Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals (Proquest) This link opens in a new windowThe Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals offers a comprehensive listing of journal articles published worldwide on architecture and design, archaeology, city planning, interior design, landscape architecture, and historic preservation. Coverage is from the 1930s (with selective coverage dating back to the 1740s) to the present.
- Artstor on JSTOR This link opens in a new window
Artstor is JSTOR’s cross-disciplinary collection of rights-cleared images from around the world, discoverable alongside JSTOR’s journals, books, and other primary sources on one feature-rich platform. It provides high-quality digitised images from numerous museums, academic institutions, and private foundations.
- Academic Search Complete (EBSCO) This link opens in a new window
An extensive multidisciplinary collection of online resources covering life, health, social and physical sciences, and humanities. It includes academic journals, magazines, trade journals and indexing and abstracts of publications including ebooks, reports and conference proceedings.
- International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (Proquest) This link opens in a new windowThe International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) is an essential online resource for social science and interdisciplinary research. IBSS includes over two million bibliographic references to journal articles and to books, reviews and selected chapters dating back to 1951. It is unique in its broad coverage of international material and incorporates over 100 languages and countries. Over 2,800 journals are regularly indexed and some 7,000 books are included each year. Abstracts are provided for half of all current journal articles and full text availability is continually increasing.
- Sociological Abstracts (Proquest) This link opens in a new windowThis database abstracts and indexes the international literature of sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. The database provides abstracts of journal articles and citations to book reviews drawn from over 1,800+ serials publications and also provides abstracts of books, book chapters, dissertations, conference papers and working papers. Cited references are included for many journal articles.
- Web of Science (all databases) This link opens in a new windowWeb of Science is a website that provides subscription-based access to multiple databases that provide comprehensive citation data for many different academic disciplines.
- ScienceDirect Journals (Elsevier) This link opens in a new windowScienceDirect contains over 25% of the world's science, technology and medicine full text and bibliographic information. Includes online eBooks, reference works, handbooks, book series, journal titles and backfiles.
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JSTOR: Subject Searching for Articles
Watch a short tutorial on how to search for information on a subject in JSTOR:
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Full Lists of Databases and eJournals
Follow these links and pick a subject to see a longer listing for your subject:
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- Last Updated: Aug 27, 2024 10:12 AM
- URL: https://libguides.ucd.ie/arthistoryculturalpolicy
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