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Vancouver Style Guide: Quotation

This guide explains how to use the Vancouver Style. It includes a short interactive tutorial.

Vancouver Style - quotations

Short quotations – less than 40 words

The Vancouver Style advises that when using another's exact words, then those words must be placed in double inverted commas/quotation marks (e.g. ""). This is called a direct quotation and should be followed by the superscript reference number and page number where the direct quotation came from.  A full reference should then appear in your reference list.

If unsure, always check with your lecturer or tutor.

Short quotations are held to be less than 40 words in the Vancouver Style. An example of a short direct quotation would be

Cooper notes that “longitudinal and cross-sectional studies suggests an association between increasing n-3 PUFA intake and cognitive function.” 4(p.1)


Long quotations - 40 words or more

Long quotations in the Vancouver Style are held to have 40 words or more. These are laid out in a separate paragraph of text and indented clearly from the left margin. No inverted commas/quotation marks are included. A full reference is to be included in your reference list. An example of a long quotation would be

Cooper concludes that

In conclusion we have found no evidence of an effect of n-3 PUFA supplementation on cognitive performance in the general population or in those with ADHD and related disorders. There was suggestive evidence of improvements in those with low n-3 PUFA status. In order to provide a more conclusive picture future trials should employ larger sample sizes and should focus on supplementation of those who are n-3 PUFA deficient. It is suggested that regulators and producers of omega-3 products should consider this evidence when promoting their products.5(p.9)

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