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Vancouver Style Guide: eJournal article

This guide explains how to use the Vancouver Style. It includes a short interactive tutorial.

eJournal article

Reference: #. Author(s) last name Initials. Title of article. Abbreviated journal title [Internet]. Year Month Day of publication [cited Year Month Day]; Volume (Issue): Pages. Available from: URL/doi


9. Abood S. Quality improvement initiative in nursing homes: the ANA acts in an advisory role. Am J Nurs [Internet]. 2002 Jun [cited 2002 Aug 12];102(6):966 - 969. Available from:



Use a superscript number (like this: ¹) in the text at the place where you are indicating that you are citing from a source.


Abood describes the actions undertaken to improve care in nursing home settings.9


Note: If no page numbers are available for you can count the number of pages, paragraphs, screens, or any other appropriate quantifiable chunks. Include in square brackets in place of pages numbers, e.g. [about 5 p.], about 6 paragraphs], [8 p.]. More details here.

Note on URLs: To get shorter URLs you are permitted to use a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) as above. These can usually be found under the title of the journal article either on a database or on the journal article itself. DOIs are permanent links that will not disappear over time.

Note: Further details on citing electronic journal articles is available from NLM here.


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