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- Brightspace - UCD Library guide
- Academic Integrity Course - Brightspace Explore Module
Brightspace - UCD Library guide: Academic Integrity Course - Brightspace Explore Module
Academic Integrity Course - Instructions for Academic Staff
UCD Library has developed an introductory Academic Integrity Course with support from the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning. This course can provide a comprehensive basic understanding of academic integrity to all students.
The interactive course teaches students the principles of citing, referencing, and avoiding plagiarism. The focus is on the principles, and includes examples of different referencing and citation styles. It is composed of an interactive tutorial, a quiz, and a certificate.
- The course is available at this link in Brightspace Explore by searching for Academic Integrity. The course is available to all students for the duration of their study in UCD. Chrome is recommended for completion of this course. The course is currently incompatible with Safari
- Students or staff will need to enroll in the module in order to access it. Detailed instructions on how to do this are available here.
- Students will find instructions on how to use the course, access the quiz and download their Certificate in Brightspace Explore.
- Sample instructions are provided below for sharing with your students.
- The interactive tutorial section will take students, on average 45-60 minutes to complete all sections.
- The quiz is only released to students on full completion of the interactive tutorial. An FAQs document is available to assist students.
- The quiz will present 10 randomly selected questions from a question bank of 53 questions.
- 80% is required to pass the quiz and receive the Certificate. Unlimited multiple attempts are permitted. Students will only need to retake questions in sections they got wrong. The questions you must retake may be different, as they are randomly generated.
- Students can download a PDF of their Certificate from Brightspace as many times as required.
- Please stress to students that they must read the instructions for accessing and downloading their certificate.
- The Certificate will always contain the date that the quiz was first completed.
- Important: If you ask students to provide evidence of completing the course with an assignment in Brightspace, ensure to advise them to upload the PDF of their Academic Integrity Certificate as a separate file to that of their assignment. Otherwise the Certificate will be identified as plagiarised text by the plagiarism detection tool.
- We suggest academic staff complete the tutorial, quiz, and download the certificate prior to specifying completion of the course by students.
- While we made every effort to make tutorial content relevant across all disciplines, it may be necessary for academic staff to provide students with alternative or additional support on expected writing styles.
- The course is non-credit bearing.
- The instructions suggested for use below are also available on our Academic Integrity Guide and in Brightspace as part of the module.
Skills resources - UCD Library Academic Integrity Guide
Students are expected to complement their learning from this course using the suite of UCD Library online resources. Students, faculty and staff can access these pages, containing tutorials, worked-examples and micro-detail on all referencing styles. The resources are available on the UCD Library Academic Integrity Guide.
UCD Plagiarism Policy
The course is an aid to Schools, Module Coordinators and students in fulfilling some of the responsibilities of their individual roles as outlined in Section 5 of the UCD Student Plagiarism Policy. It can be part of the arrangements for ensuring:
- that appropriate and timely student advisory arrangements are in place to promote academic integrity in subject areas and to educate students about avoiding plagiarism,
- that students are briefed on avoiding plagiarism and provided with information about expectations for assessed work before they submit assessments
- that students can attend and/or take part in referencing/citation training and plagiarism avoidance sessions.
We would encourage staff to introduce these resources to students early in their learning experiences, with the aim of preventing instances of plagiarism. The course can be completed independently by students or used as a basis for further teaching on referencing and citation in a disciplinary specific context.
Instructions for your Students (adapt as appropriate)
Academic Integrity Course
This course introduces you to the core principles of academic integrity in writing, citing and referencing. Understanding these principles will increase your confidence in academic writing and will help you avoid accidentally plagiarising. The course has three sections, an interactive tutorial, a quiz and a certificate. Follow these steps to take the course and achieve your certificate.
Chrome is recommended for completion of this course.
1. Enroll in the Module
- Go to the Brightspace Explore and search for Academic Integrity.
- Select the blue Enroll in Course button.
- A message will appear advising that you have Successfully Enrolled.
- To access the course, navigate back to your Brightspace home page by clicking on the UCD Crest on the top left of your page. Select the All tab under My Modules. The Academic Integrity Course will be listed here.
- Further details on how to enroll in this Brightspace Explore module are available here.
2. Complete the Academic Integrity Tutorial (45-60 min work)
- You can complete the interactive tutorial section in stages or all in one go.
- You will be required to complete the tutorial in sequence for the first time. Ensure you click on every section to progress.
- After that you can revisit the tutorial in any order to refresh your understanding.
(If you are experiencing difficulties completing any section of the tutorial please see our FAQs)
3. Complete the quiz (10 min work)
- The quiz will become available on completion of all four sections of the tutorial.
- Questions will present randomly, so that questions you are given to answer may be different to those of a classmate.
- To pass and receive your Certificate you must achieve 80%. You can retake the quiz as many times as you need. You will only need to retake questions from the section you got wrong. Note that the questions may differ each time due to random selection.
4. On successful completion of the quiz you will receive a Certificate of achievement.
- To get your certificate log in to Brightspace. Next select My Brightspace, then Awards. Your certificate will always be available for download as a PDF in this space.
- To save a copy as evidence of successful completion, click the Certificate, then select Generate Certificate. A PDF will be downloaded which you should save. This PDF can be submitted to modules on Brightspace when requested by module coordinators or used as evidence beyond university. Further details available here.
- You only need to complete the course once and you can reuse your certificate as required for different modules.
- Important: If submitting the PDF version of your certificate to a module on Brightspace, ensure you upload it as a separate file to that of your assignment. Otherwise it may be interpreted as plagiarized text.
When taking the course, ensure you read all instructions in Brightspace carefully, especially for accessing and downloading your certificate.
UCD Library Academic Integrity Guide
After completing the course, you can use UCD Library’s Academic Integrity Guide to cite and reference when creating assignments or other academic work.
About this project
This course was developed by UCD Library with funding from the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.
The project was led by Peter Hickey (UCD Library) and Professor Anne Drummond (School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Sports Science, UCD). Course content was written by Dr Audrey McNamara (UCD Writing Centre), Project Manager. Jenny Collery (UCD Library), Niall Watts (IT Services) and Catherine Murphy (IT Services) also contributed to course content and Brightspace design.
The tutorial design and development was by Luana Raggi (Magna Films & Design), Gabriel Calou (Fagulha Design) and Rachel Jordan (The Audio Edit Suite).
- Last Updated: Jan 28, 2025 10:34 AM
- URL: https://libguides.ucd.ie/Brightspace
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