Open Access: What is Open Access (OA)?
What is Open Access?
Open Access (OA) means that electronic scholarly research outputs are made freely available on the web to all, with no or limited license restrictions. In doing so you maximise the impact of your work as the potential readership is far greater than that for publications where the full-text is restricted to subscribers only.
Open access publications go through the same peer review process as non-open access publications. Open access does not interfere with a decision to exploit results commercially, e.g. through patenting.
- Open Access Publishing Guidelines for AuthorsPublish OA Ireland have created these guidelines to help authors new to OA understand the basic terminology and OA publishing options.
The principles driving the Open Access Policy statement are that the outputs from publicly-funded research should be publicly available to researchers and to potential users in education, business, charitable and public sectors, and to the general public.
- NORF (National Open Research Forum, Ireland) National Framework on the Transition to an Open Research EnvironmentThe NORF National Framework combines the activities of working groups over the past two years and articulates a coordinated Irish agenda for an open research environment (launched July 2019)
- NORF National Action Plan 2022-2030Building on the National Framework above, this action plan is a roadmap for the implementation of open research across Ireland. It details national goals and actions required to assist the research system achieve an open research environment.
What is Open Access? Video
Samenwerkingsverband Hogeschoolbibliotheken (SHB) - CC BY SA
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