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Citizen Science: Citizen Science and the EU

This guide provides case studies, resources and information on relevant events to support UCD staff, researchers, academics and students interested in citizen science.

EU Resources

Citizen Science and the EU

Citizen Science is one of the 8 Pillars of Open Science : Open Science is a policy priority for the European Commission.

Citizen Science in Horizon Europe:

“Horizon Europe will also support and promote the involvement of citizens, civil society and end-users in public engagement, citizen science, and user-led innovation modes of research and innovation”. Quoted in UCD's 2021 publication Engage Your Research : An Introductory Guide to Engaging & Involving the Public in Research on UCD's website page: Public Engagement and Engaged Research

The EUROPEAN COMMISSION report Proposal for a COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION on a European framework to attract and retain research, innovation and entrepeneurial talents in Europe 

European Charter for Researchers section

See page 4

Citizen Science
" Researchers should incorporate citizen science into their projects as much as possible and where relevant. 
This means involving citizens in the concept, design and implementation of research projects in Science, Technology, 
Engineering, Arts, Mathematics (STEAM), Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH). This is an ideal means to democratise science, build trust in science, and leverage the vast societal intelligence and capabilities to conduct excellent research and innovation."

and Page 15

Public Engagement
"Researchers should ensure that their research activities are made known to society at large in such a way that they can be understood by non-specialists, thereby improving the public’s understanding of science. Direct engagement with the civil society and citizens will help researchers to better understand public interest in priorities for research and the public’s
concerns, and to harness the potential of co-design and co-creation with society where relevant."