Citizen Science: Online Books and Journals
This guide provides case studies, resources and information on relevant events to support UCD staff, researchers, academics and students interested in citizen science.
Online Books available via UCD Library
- Citizen Science: Innovation in Open Science, Society and Policy byISBN: 9781787352339Publication Date: 2018This Open Access book is published by UCL Press. This book identifies and explains the role of citizen science within innovation in science and society, and as a vibrant and productive science-policy interface. The scope of this volume is global, geared towards identifying solutions and lessons to be applied across science, practice and policy.
- Citizen Science: Public Participation in Environmental Research byISBN: 9780801449116Publication Date: 2012In this book, experts from a variety of disciplines including scientists and education specialists working at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, where many large citizen science programs use birds as proxies for biodiversity share their experiences of creating and implementing successful citizen science projects, primarily those that use massive data sets gathered by citizen scientists to better understand the impact of environmental change.
- Learning Through Citizen Science : Enhancing Opportunities by Design byISBN: 9780309479165Publication Date: 2019In the last twenty years, citizen science has blossomed as a way to engage a broad range of individuals in doing science. Citizen science projects focus on, but are not limited to, non-scientists participating in the processes of scientific research, with the intended goal of advancing and using scientific knowledge. This book discusses the potential of citizen science to support science learning and identifies promising practices and programs that exemplify the promising practices. This report also lays out a research agenda that can fill gaps in the current understanding of how citizen science can support science learning and enhance science education.
- The Science of Citizen Science byISBN: 9783030582777Publication Date: 2021This open access book provides a unique overview of the field of citizen science, explores and summarizes an innovative research field, has case studies which illustrate the varying aspect of citizen science and includes research based on a pan-European networks of experts.
- Citizen Science: Theory and Practice journalThis is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal published by Ubiquity Press on behalf of the Citizen Science Association. The journal focuses on advancing the global field of citizen science by providing a venue for citizen science researchers and practitioners to share best practices in conceiving, developing, implementing, evaluating, and sustaining projects that facilitate public participation in scientific endeavors in any discipline.
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