Politics & International Relations: Books & eBooks
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Books for Politics & International Relations
Books and eBooks are listed in OneSearch, our resource discovery service. You can also browse the collection to find books for your research. The relevant shelf marks include, but are not limited to:
- 320 Political science (Politics and government)
- 321 Systems of governments and states
- 322 Relation of the state to organized groups and their members
- 323 Civil and political rights
- 324 The political process
- 325 International migration and colonization
- 326 Slavery and emancipation
- 327 International relations
- 328 The legislative process
A selection of useful book titles available via UCD Library include:
Brexit and British Politics by Geoffrey Evans; Anand Menon
Call Number: 341.24220942 EVAPublication Date: 2017In this book, leading analysts of UK and EU politics Geoffrey Evans and Anand Menon step back from the immediacy of the referendum to explain what happened on June 23rd 2016 and why. Teasing out the long term factors that culminated in the British decision to leave the European Union, they show that it was in many ways the logical outcome of shifts in the political landscape that had been ongoing for decades.Electoral Competition in Ireland since 1987 by Gary Murphy
Call Number: 324.9415 MURPublication Date: 2016This account of the politics of modern Ireland offers an analysis of the forces which shaped both how the Irish state governed itself from the period since 1987 and how it lost its economic sovereignty in 2010. The study analyses why the political system in Ireland was unable to stop the country losing its economic sovereignty and why the Irish electorate kept returning to political alternatives which they had rejected in the past.Critical Security Studies by Columba Peoples; Nick Vaughan-Williams
Call Number: 355.033 PEOPublication Date: 2014Critical Security Studies offers an introduction to the field; locates it within the broader context of social and political theory; and evaluates fundamental theoretical positions within critical security studies in application to key issues.Political Philosophy by Adam Swift
Call Number: 320.01 SWIPublication Date: 2013Politicians invoke grand ideas: social justice, democracy, liberty, equality, community. But what do these ideas really mean? How can politicians across the political spectrum appeal to the same values? This new edition of Adam Swift's introduction to political philosophy answers these important questions, and includes new material on global justice, feminism, and method in political theory, as well as updated guides to further readingOn Liberty and Other Essays by John Stuart Mill; John Gray (Editor)
Call Number: 192 MILPublication Date: 2008On Liberty, Utilitarianism, Considerations on Representative Government, and The Subjection of Women shows Mill applying his liberal utilitarian philosophy to a range of issues that remain vital today - issues of the nature of ethics, the scope and limits of individual liberty, the merits of and costs of democratic government, and the place of women in society.
Books and eBooks are listed in OneSearch, our resource discovery service. Useful ebook titles and ebook databases available via UCD Library include:
Political participation in a changing world: conceptual and empirical challenges in the study of citizen engagement by Yannis Theocharis; Jan W. van Deth
Publication Date: 2018In the last decades, political participation expanded continuously. This expansion includes activities as diverse as voting, tweeting, signing petitions, changing your social media profile, demonstrating, boycotting products, joining flash mobs, attending meetings, throwing seedbombs, and donating money. But if political participation is so diverse, how do we recognize participation when we see it? In this book, Yannis Theocharis and Jan W. van Deth explore political participation and offer new conceptual and empirical tools with which to study it.Introduction to Politics by Robert Garner; Peter Ferdinand; Stephanie Lawson
Publication Date: 2016Introduction to Politics is an introductory text covering both comparative politics and international relations, and contextualising them with a wide range of international examples. The material is explored in an accessible way for introductory study, but takes an analytical approach which encourages more critical study and debate. An Online Resource Centre accompanies this text, and includes a range of resources for both students and lecturers.The Foreign Policy of the European Union by Stephan Keukeleire; Jennifer MacNaughtan
Publication Date: 2008This comprehensive assessment of EU foreign policy looks beyond the Common Foreign and Security Policy and the European Security and Defence Policy to also analyse foreign policy developed through other EU pillars and the interaction between EU institutions and member states. It addresses EU foreign policy towards the main regions of the world as well as today's strategic challenges. Visit the book's companion site at: http://www.palgrave.com/politics/keukeleire/
- ACLS Humanities E-Books This link opens in a new window
This comprehensive electronic library consists of scholarly and peer reviewed books in the humanities.
- Academic CompleteA multidisciplinary collection of over 180,000 scholarly titles from hundreds of leading academic publishers. eBooks are made available on ProQuest's eBook Central platform. Offers unlimited, multi-user access. To view content for specific disciplines, simply select from the "Browse Subject" option page
Reference items are helpful for finding background information; definitions and spelling; facts and figures; translations; statistics and topical overviews of subjects. Reference books can be found both in print and online. See here for further information
Useful online reference material for Politics & International Relations include:
A Dictionary of the European Union by Lee McGowan; David Phinnemore
Publication Date: 2013This collection of data includes concise definitions and explanations on all aspects of the European Union. It explains the terminology surrounding the EU and outlines the roles and significance of the institutions, member countries, programmes and policies, treaties and personalitiesA Dictionary of Political Biography by Kavanagh, Dennis; Riches, Christopher
Publication Date: 2013This dictionary covers all the major figures in world politics of the twentieth century.Historical Dictionary of Organized Labor by J. C. Docherty; Jacobus Hermanus Antonius van der Velden
Publication Date: 2012Organized labor is about the collective efforts of employees to improve their economic, social, and political position. It can be studied from many different points of view--historical, economic, sociological, or legal--but it is fundamentally about the struggle for human rights and social justice. The Historical Dictionary of Organized Labor looks at the history of organized labor to see where it came from and where it has been. This is done through a chronology, an introductory essay, appendixes, a glossary of terms, and an extensive bibliography.Encyclopedia of Political Theory by Mark Bevir (Editor)
Publication Date: 2010Drawing together a team of international scholars, the Encyclopedia of Political Theory examines the ideas of the major political theorists from before Plato to our own times; the main schools of political thought; the concepts and issues that have captured the imagination and attention of political theorists; and some of the main institutions and practices inspired by political thought.The Concise Oxford dictionary of politics by McMillan, Alistair
Publication Date: 2009The dictionary has international coverage and will prove invaluable to students and academics studying politics and related disciplines, as well as politicians, journalists, and the general reader seeking clarification of political termsThe Development Dictionary by Wolfgang Sachs (Editor)
Call Number: 330.91724 SACPublication Date: 2009In this classic collection, some of the world's critics of development review the key concepts of the development discourse. Each essay examines one concept from a historical and anthropological point of view, highlights its particular bias, and exposes its historical obsolescence and intellectual sterility.Encyclopedia of Human Rights by David P. Forsythe
Call Number: 323.03 FORPublication Date: 2009In addition to providing original analytical articles covering standard subjects such as the right to health and health care, Amnesty International, the Balkan wars, and former President of Ireland Mary Robinson, it offers innovative coverage of such subjects as the Internet, intellectual property rights, the American civil rights movement, globalization, and Brazil in historical context.The Anti-Capitalist Dictionary by David E. Lowes
Call Number: 330.03 LOWPublication Date: 2006Anti-capitalism has existed in many forms and with a variety of names since the advent of capitalism. But this kind of oppositional force has often been ignored, misrepresented or trivialised by many in the mainstream media and academia and by established political parties. The Anti-Capitalist Dictionary is organised in alphabetical format, with self-contained, cross-referenced entries that introduce and explain concepts and issues that are integral to understanding anti-capitalism movements.
- Sage Knowledge This link opens in a new window
Covering the social and behavioural sciences, SAGE Knowledge provides access to thousands of scholarly eBooks published by SAGE. The collection also includes hundreds of award-winning reference titles including subject encyclopedias, dictionaries and handbooks which provide students with the perfect place to start their research.
Open Educational Resources (OER) are learning, teaching and research materials in any format and medium that reside in the public domain or are under copyright that have been released under an open license, that permit no-cost access, re-use, re-purpose, adaptation and redistribution by others. (source: UNESCO)
- Directory of Open Access BooksDOAB is a community-driven discovery service that indexes and provides access to scholarly, peer-reviewed open access books and helps users to find trusted open access book publishers. All DOAB services are free of charge and all data is freely available.
- OER CommonsOER Commons is a public digital library of open educational resources. Explore, create, and collaborate with educators around the world to improve curriculum
- Pressbooks DirectoryPressbooks Directory is a free, searchable catalog that includes 5,387 open access books published by 157 organizations and networks using Pressbooks. It's easy to copy, revise, remix, and redistribute any openly licensed content found here using Pressbooks' publishing platform. Nearly all books are highly accessible, and many include interactive H5P learning activities to engage learners.
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- Last Updated: Aug 27, 2024 10:12 AM
- URL: https://libguides.ucd.ie/politics
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