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Digital Literacy: Find and Use Digital Information & Data

Online information and data are key currencies in our digital environment. Being able to select the appropriate tools to find the required information and data; deploy a variety of strategies to search for this information; and knowing how to use the information and data you have found are essential skills to succeed academically, personally and professionally. Under this capability we are focusing on the following skills:

  1. Selecting appropriate sources of digital information and data.
  2. Developing appropriate search strategies to find and use digital information and data.

Library Resources for Finding and Using Digital Information and Data

The Library has created a number of videos, library guides and interactive tutorials to help you find and use information and data effectively. These are some of the core resources:

Finding Information: Online tutorial with tips on how to become an effective information searcher.

Finding and Re-Using Data: Online tutorial to help you understand the types of data available for reuse, where to find these data and how to use them in your own research.

Organising Your Information and Data: Online tutorial with tips on how to organise  digital information and data in an effective manner.

Endnote. Introduction to Library support for EndNote 20 and EndNote Online. Learn how to organise your research references using Endnote reference management software.

 A step-by-step introduction to all aspects of writing a literature review.

Research Data Management. A library guide that brings together all University resources and services to facilitate researchers in the production of high quality data.

Systematic Review. A library guide offering tools and advice for conducting complex systematic reviews of the literature on any topic.