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Parenting and Caring Collection & Staff Wellbeing: Introduction

This guide showcases UCD Library books on aspects of stages of parenting and caring for parents


Welcome to the staff Parenting and Caring Libguide where you can browse support books on many of the significant challenges that arise personally through your career.

Parent or Care Giver Collection Poster

These offer reading support on topics concerning parenting and caring for others, ageing, retirement, illness and loss.

These are a wonderful reference point but always contact a medical professional for any advice, questions or additional support.

Make a suggestion

Don't see what you are looking for?

Feel free to send a suggestion of a title that we can consider for purchase to in the Library.


Where are the books located?

The Parenting & Caring Collection is part of the Health and Wellbeing Collection which is located on Level 1 of the James Joyce Library. You can find the books located in the set of green shelves in the Library Hub area.

Print books

Printed books in this collection are available in the James Joyce Library. UCD staff and students can borrow these  with your library card, simply take the book to the self-service machine or the desk to borrow it. If you are unable to locate a book, just ask a member of staff at the information desk who will be happy to assist.


Some of the books in this collection are available to read online as Ebooks - they have a blue title. To read these, just click on the blue title of the book, login using your UCD Connect username and password, then you can start reading.

Books already on loan

You can place a reservation via the Library's online catalogue and we will hold the book for you on its return. You can also check the Libguide to see if there is an alternative title on the same topic you might be interested in borrowing instead.



Staff Picks
