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Business: Case studies, Industry & Company Sources

This guide provides a starter point for finding Business information.

Databases for Case Studies

Finding case studies in Databases

Some of our databases include case studies such as;

Do a search by keyword and use the filter for cases.We may not have every case study and some have printing and downloading restrictions.

If the case study is not in our Library collection

Check blackboard and with your lecturer to see if they have recommended it from another source.

As a next step, you could consider interlibrary loan or the case centre  - a commercial resource that distributes the world's largest collection of management case studies. Please note we do not have a subscription to this product.

Company information

Finding Company information

You can find company information in some of our databases including;

  • FAME - contains financial information on Large UK and Irish Companies
  • Marketline Advantage - provides global information on large companies with a breakdown by annual revenue, no. of employees, industry, geography and also offers SWOT profiles on particular firms.
  • ABI Inform - This database contains information and articles on large international companies. Search by company name and use filters like 'reports' to narrow your results.
  • Nexis UK - You will find press releases and press coverage on particular companies in this newspaper database.
  • Eikon - This database provides company financial information along with real time stock information. (To access this database go to the E-Resources Special Log-in page, connect to the database using one of the five username & password logins.)

If you are researching a company, always check their official website and social media communication channels.

The Business ELearning website also contains access to

  • The Financial Times
  • & information on Bloomberg