Chicago Style Guide 17th Edition: Podcasts and Other Multimedia Sources
Podcasts and other multimedia sources
Reference: Last name, First name of Creators. “Episode Title.” Produced/written/directed by. Podcast Title. Publication Month Day, Year. Podcast, Format audio, running time. URL.
Example: Hubbard, Laurel, and Phil Pegan. “Emily Young: Stone Carver and Environmental Artist.” Presented and produced by Phil Pegan, BBC World Service. In the Studio. March 2, 2021. Podcast, MP3 audio, 26:29.
In-Text Citation: Use a superscript number (like this: ¹) in the text at the place where you are indicating that you are citing from a source.
In-Text Citation Example: Young describes a piece of stone, with a carved human face as something to remind viewers that our planet is alive.¹
Footnote: #. First name Last name of Creators, “Episode Title,” Publication Month Day, Year, in Podcast Title, published or produced or written or directed by, podcast, format audio, running time, URL.
Example: 1. Laurel Hubbard and Phil Pegan, "Emily Young: Stone Carver and Environmental Artist," March 2, 2021, in In The Studio, presented and produced by Phil Pegan, published by BBC World Service, podcast, MP3 audio, 26:29,
Note: If no publication date is available, include the date last accessed instead.
Note: If podcast is listened to from a web-browser or app, no need to mention format such as MP3/WAV etc. Include format if a file is downloaded and listened to.
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