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Chicago Style Guide 17th Edition: Chapter in an edited book

This referencing style guide is based on the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition. It has many different reference types. It gives detailed examples of how these references should be formatted in the "Notes and Bibliography" style.

Chapter in an edited book

Reference: Author(s) Last name, First name Initial(s). “Title of chapter.” In Book Title, edited by First name Last name, Pages. Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication.


Sheringham, Michael. “Archiving.” In Restless Cities, edited by Matthew Beaumont and Gregory Dart, 10-24. London: Verso, 2010.

In-Text Citation: Use a superscript number (like this: ¹) in the text at the place where you are indicating that you are citing from a source.


According to Michael Sheringham in Restless Cities, the rubbish or waste of a city can be seen as a sort of archive.²

Footnote: #. First Author(s) First name Initials Last name, “Title of Chapter,” in Book Title, ed. First name Initials Last name of editor (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of publication), Page.


2. Michael Sheringham, “Archiving,” in Restless Cities, ed. Matthew Beaumont and Gregory Dart (London: Verson, 2010), 9.


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