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Chicago Style Guide 17th Edition: Print journal article, one author

This referencing style guide is based on the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition. It has many different reference types. It gives detailed examples of how these references should be formatted in the "Notes and Bibliography" style.

Print journal article with one author


Author(s) Last name, First name. “Title of Article.” Journal Title Volume, Issue no. (Month Year): pages.


Barber, Marcus. “Global Warming and the Political Ecology of Health: Emerging Crises and Systemic Solutions.” The Australian Journal of Anthropology 21, no. 3 (2010): 390 – 391.

In-Text Citation: Use a superscript number (like this: ¹) in the text at the place where you are indicating that you are citing from a source.


In this piece the concepts of justice, democracy and sustainability are explored in relation to climate change and health.¹

Footnote: #. Author(s) First name Last name, “Title of Article,” Journal Title Volume, Issue no. (Year): Page.


 1. Marcus Barber, “Global Warming and the Political Ecology of Health: Emerging Crises and Systemic Solutions,” The Australian Journal of Anthropology 21, no. 3 (2010): 390.


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